-Ok, so I finally got off my lazy bum (well, actually, I had to sit down at my desk, so...moot point) and finally did my beta read for
autumn_whispers' Tin Man/Supernatural crossover fic. Readers are in for a treat, I really enjoyed it!
-Last night, during my lastest bout of insomnia (I'm becoming nocturnal a week before school starts up again *headdesk*), I reread part of Eclipse. And I have a new ship: Jacob/Angela. Don't. Judge. Me. Y'all know I am all about the unconventional pairings...Anyways, I even found fic. Well, just the one for now, I barely read any Twilight fanfiction to beginning with and today's utter boredom negatively effects my google fu, but I was lucky enough to find a well-written one on my first try.
-Must call ericadragon
-Guys, I LOVE this song by Peter Gabriel,
Signal to Noise. Kind of...different, but pure awesome. I just put it on repeat on mytunes.
- I have a question for Supernatural people. I know that Reaper is going to take it's place @ 9 on Thursdays, but I am le confused. Has there been any mention to where SPN will be move to as a result?