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Dec 04, 2007 01:08

Tin Man is awesome.
I am stealing
autumn_whispers review post format because I am referencing her review post as the details are a little jumbled. Hope she doesn't mind.

autumn_whispers and I were on aim working on her fic, and I was also watching Chuck, so I almost missed the very beginning. Lucky, the had a pretty extensive recap and we didn't miss anything new.

+Cain not being dead! Glitch saving him. I now there must be a lot of people slashing them, and hell, I at least see why they would. I totally respect slash, and read/support it if it attracts me, though Cain/Glitch may not. I must say that I enjoy their back-n-forth, and I like the grudging friendship growing between them. The dancing bit was great, and Cain's face when Glitch took all those guards out.

-The Mystic Man dying/being killed. It was so contrived. He didn't have to die. He was great when pretending to be high and being a pain in the ass for Azkadellia.

+The Hug of Cain/DG awesomeness. I knew it was coming, they showed it in the preview last night. But, man, I wasn't expecting it to be so shippy. I loved her embarassment when she finally pulled herself away and Cain's face of awkwardness...

+Cain: "You're taking direction from a dog?!"

+/-The dog was great, cute, a smarty head. I loved the dog. Until he shape-shifted back into a person working for Azkadellia. I was very excited when Glitch almost picked up the disc and Tutor almost got caught.

+Glitch had such a tragic past. He was very loyal and sacrificing. It made me so sad when the vision thing was over and he didn't seem to remember it but everyone else did...Also,
autumn_whispers is totally convinced that Glitch and the Queen Mother were having some hanky-panky. Sure, I'll go with it, why not?

+I really wasn't expecting DG to be the reason Azkadellia turned evil until right up to the cave.

+So the witch that possessed fused with Azkadellia...she was creepy. She moved in that jumpy way that ghost sometimes do on Supernatural. Are there two consciousnesses in Azkadellia? Did she and the witch become one entity? Who does she have her conferences with?

autumn_whispers listed this as a negative, but rebel that I am, am going to list is as a positive. We totally flipped our shit when that one resistance guy said that Cain's family was alive. It infers with our ship, OK?! Serious this is us when we heard that:

jazmin22: shit

autumn_whispers: fuck

autumn_whispers: damn it

jazmin22: that sucks

jazmin22: maybe they died anyways? or moved on?

autumn_whispers: i can handle 'moved on' or 'this is a trick by zero'

We went on, "It's a trick!", "Maybe resistance guy is a plant!", "Maybe it someone else!"...Then we saw the tombstone of the wife:

autumn_whispers: YEAH

jazmin22: WOOT

autumn_whispers: I mean *sad face*

jazmin22: the tears are coming i can feel it


jazmin22: aww

autumn_whispers: i can deal with his son being alive

jazmin22: me too

autumn_whispers: so long as he doesn't get in the way with the sexing

jazmin22: a good condition to make clear

jazmin22: surely he would want his dad to be happy

She say were are horrible people for wanting the poor guy's family dead so he and DG can have Teh Sex. I am not disagreeing in the slightest. Cain and DG really must end up together. I can't believe how invested I am in them. Please let it happen. Or at least don't crush into Doomed Ship-ness.

+I am so obsessed it is not even funny. Seriously, hardcore (for me, at least) fangirling with this fandom. I am also 12 years old because of Tin Man.
Insta Rec: The Tin Man fic I beta'd for
autumn_whispers is here: Speechless. Go read it.

Chuck was great, and my brother was kind enough to record Heroes for me. Which was EPIC. Way to win my heart back with the last episode, show.

pairing: cain/dg, beta'ing, fic, jazz commentary, tv: tin man, siblings, friends, insta-rec, obsessive much?

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