Curiosity Tickled the Cat to Death...

Dec 03, 2007 13:55

So, I was curious to see what other thought about Tin Man, so I decided to leave warm, comfortableness of my friends' journals and my own and creep out into the untamed internet...

I usually don't go into the IMDb forums. Mostly because I can never remember what my password is for that. But this time I checked my password list in my gmail inbox as I really wanted to see what other people had to say.

As expected I quickly grew tired and frustrated with all the bashing. God, can't they just go hang out with those embittered Original-BSG-Or-Bust people and shut up?

I started skipping any thread that looked like there was going to be bashing or fights over the show and stuck to threads on lighter subjects.

The "Romance?" thread seems to suggest that there are quiet a few people open to Cain/DG. YAY. There were also mention (mostly in a joking sense, I think) of Glitch/Cain.

My favorite threads were, of course, the shallow ones. With titles mostly consisting of the words "Cain" and "Hot". :P I like that people there agree with me, so those threads were nice. General consensus in these threads seemed to be, and I am paraphrasing:
a) "Cain=Hot"
b) "Jesus, those pants of his were tight!"
c) "Thank God for you guys! I  thought I was the only one staring at his package!" (related to b)

pairing: cain/dg, tv: tin man, the scary internet

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