Tonight's Avatar

Oct 12, 2007 21:15

I loved this episode!

First, loved Sokka training with his Master. Sokka is going to be exactly like him when he grows up, I think. Of course the master knew Sokka was water tribe from the very beginning and recognized Aang was the Avatar immediately, he really is like Sokka. I am glad how good he was about it.

The gAang being bored without Sokka was great. Katara telling stupid jokes was funny (not in the way she meant).

SHOPPING! That is all. Except...Aang was totally wearing World of Warcraft MMORPG armor and the wind sword...hee!

TOKKA! I love Sokka/Toph so this was great, she missed hime, she pops up the second she senses him coming, she blushes and denies missing, and he bring her a metorite rock gift(which she totally bent into the Nick logo). Too cute. Oh, and what was that joke by Katara? "If you miss him so much, why don't you marry him?" Foreshadowing? YES PLZ. I hope so! In any case, Katara ships Tokka! Why isn't ther more fanfiction for them? Is there a comm for them? Rec me some fic for them if you know of any!

LION-TURTLES! Can we please them, MikeBryan?! PLEASE?!

Sokka's sword was cool and black and made of metorite rock...though at first I had that the he was going to ask Toph to bend some extra special metal out of it for him, but hey close enough.

WHITE LOTUS TILE! I can't wait to find out more about this White Lotus Society thing. Sokka, of course, would be great at a secret, international, underground society. WOOT. I luff me some Sekrit Societees!

HUNK OF MAN FLESH! IROH! That was great, one minute he was dazedly clapping, the next onehe's doing armed pull ups. That crazy (but ot in the same way meant by the guard) old guy is built. Dayum. I am so excited to see more of this. I think he is definitely going to e training Aang.

In conclusion, I need an icon of Sokka being hot. Or a Sokka/Toph icon. And maybe an Iron icon.

Next Week: Azula is crazy. Fun fire-nation beach wear. Combustion Man. Midnight(-ish, how am I supposed to know the time of night) attack on the gAang. YAY.

tv: avatar the last airbender, spoilers, jazz commentary

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