Hello! Welcome new friends! This is my journal. Wander about at your own discreation.
Be forewarned that I am geeky, and LJ is where I release this.
Also, I might not always comment, but I read everything. I promise to try to comment more on all of my frends posts.
Finally, New Friends, if you could perhaps leave a tinsy comment telling me something about you that would help me remember you (cuz my memory is like a seive) that would be great. Maybe something NOT fandom related...
My name is Mary, born New Orleans, and my socks are made of stardust!
When I see that person's user name I'll know imediately who they are, "Mary...with stardust socks! :D". Obviously, it doesn't have to be something true, just something that is interesting/unique (but not mean to anyone!). Unless you have something true that is interesting/unique that you wnat to use...*shrugs* whatev, please comment.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Friending Meme. Season 3 starts Friday (*FLAIL*) and the more people that you have on your friends list that will be considerate of your incoherent, OMG, flail posts, the better. And you know it.