Twilight and Goong Updates

Aug 17, 2007 18:17

I just finished Chapter 18 of Twilight. Yay! Go me!

*iz readin' slo*

I probably could have read this book in two days tops if I had wanted to. If I had discovered it a week or two before Eclipse arrived I would've have speed-read the first two books to catch up. But that isn't the case, and I don't feel te need to rush through them. I read Deathly Hallows in less than a day. After I was finished with it, I sort of regretted that. One, because I wished I had spread it out just a little bit more and...savored it. Two, because I read so fast there were a handful of things that were blurry in my mind, but after it was done I just couldn't bring myself to re-reading (partially because of the deaths). So this time a few chapters a day, spreading it over a week, is how much I am reading and I really like it this way.

Goong. I am addicted. I fly through episode after episode. 14 epsiodes in four days?! I may need some professional help. But that can wait till after I watch episode 15 after I finish this post, neener-neener! XD

Sadly, I have yet to get appropriate icons for either fandom. *sadface*

bookseries: twilight, booksmovies: harry potter, tv: goong[palace/princess hours]

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