Thoughts and Mourning...

Jul 22, 2007 23:35

OK, everyone knew way before the book came out that there would be deaths in The Deathly Hallows. This is not a full commentary in the book, but some thoughts on one of the deaths that relly affected me.


*mourns* *sob uncontrollably*

I don't want to believe it, but it happened. I am so distraught over Fred's death. There were several other deaths that got to me, but non like Fred's. I am having these relapse-things. I'll be watching tv and I'll just think of Fred and that part of the book and I'll just go into a sobbing fit. It actually gets pretty bad...

The thing is, I should have been prepared. I always belived that a Weasley would die. Never would it have been Ginny or Mrs. Weasley. I thought that Ron might not survive. But, I felt that JKR probably wouldn't make such a gutsy move.

In a way, it always had to be one of the twins. The death of the matriach and the youngest and only daughter would have been to devestaing. Harry losing Ginnny was neve going to happen. I am afraid that Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Percy just would not have the same impact in dieing. Ron and the twins are left as the only other options, because we know them.

Also I should have seen it. The clues wer there. George losing his ear. Losing a part of him self. Fred alone on the Potterwatch radio braodcast. Why wasn't George with him? Perhaps because one could be counted on to speak on behalf of the other.

Looking at the Potterwatch segment, we see that the characters seem to have very obvious aliases. Lee is River, as in the Jordan River. Kingsley is Royal. Remus and is Romulus, referencing his namesake's the twin, founders of Rome, raised by a wolf. Then we have Fred. Lee wanted to name him Rodent, presumably as both a teasing jab at his friend and to keep the whole names-that-start-with-R thing going. But Fred was adement to be called Rapier. While reading, I knew that a rapier is a sword used in fencing. But after Fred died and I finished the book, I googled the definition. What I found ust broke my heart (I am a sap and I love Fred-and-George, it wasn't hard...):

...For most of its period of use, the rapier was double-edged, some later rapiers were single-edged...
Wikipedia via Google Definition Search Result Page
For most of the series it was Fred-and-George, then later at the end (and post DH) was just George.

*moans in pain*

Why wasn't George there, fighting along side Fred, instead of Percy? Just a question, and probably best as it is, becuase I think I might have died if we had seen his reaction to Fred's death. Just knowing that George was leaning at Fred's head in the makeshift morgue is enough; I don't think I could handle anything more. I actually kind of love that it was Percy(and Ron) that was there when it happened. When Percy had arrived to fight, he had a bit of a stand off with his family as he tried to apologize. And do you know who was the first to step up and reach out and welcome him back? Fred. *cries* They were fighting together Fred saw his brother that never jokes joking. He died with a smile on his face. *wails* And Percy, not belving, not wanting to belive that Fred was dead, shielding Fred's body with his own and not wanting to leave him until Fred was somewhere safe! *sobs*

I am truly heart-broken that Fred died. I will love him forever.

Edit: Adding related Insta-Rec. Phantom Pain at

fic, booksmovies: harry potter, recs, spoilers

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