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Nov 18, 2009 23:40

My pastor on Sunday switched things up in the English congregation. During the middle of his sermon, he had us partner up with someone from the other side of the room and sit next to each other for the rest of service. Of the questions given, he asked us to look at our partner not only as a brother and sister in Christ, but through God's eyes. Dude, talk about awkward! You could totally hear giggling happen throughout the sanctuary (myself included haha XD) as people were looking at each other, then looking away, because something like that is so...intimate. Therefore it's a bit awkward to stare into someone's eyes with an acquaintance.

In the Christian community, the phrase and prayer "see people through God's eyes" is too often thrown around haphazardly. Yes, it is a nice concept and something people can strive to do each day. However, our understanding of it is shallow. Can you imagine-- truly SEEING another person through GOD's eyes? To consider that person valuable enough to die for? To LOVE that person unconditionally?

It's something our human hearts cannot handle.

I looked into my sister's eyes and simply allowed God to show me His love for her. This emotion swelled up inside of me. I felt a portion of God's love for her. It was so, so deep. It's hard to describe, but it felt like my heart wanted to come out-- that I could do anything for this person. I had to look away because I had started crying, unstoppable tears that leaked out of my touched soul. Can I really pray that I feel this way towards each and every person I meet? Each person I see?

Can I see through God's eyes...
The man that tried to solicit me for sex?
The friend who unintentionally hurts me?
The people I judge?
The person who bothers me constantly for something?

And this love goes beyond simply me feeling it. I have to believe it. Lately I have been struggling with the concept of God loving me. For some reason, it is easier for me to accept that God loves people-- more than he loves me. Who am I that He would love me? It's a stupid lie, really, as I found out today when I was spending my quiet time with God. And as I talked to him, I began to cry. I am insecure. The Lord showed me that I had a fear-- a fear of people leaving me, walking out of my life. I had applied this human fear to God-- I had forgotten the many truths of who He was.

So He reminded me. He reminded me that He is faithful, unrelenting, and good. He is loving to all He has made. That He CREATED me, He delights in His creation. But He loves me, even during the times I choose to do something other than spend time with him, during the times I rely on myself, the times I love something else, times I refuse to surrender to Him. When I am not faithful, He is. When I am in need of His truth, He shows me. In the end, it is not about me, but who is God that He would love me?

His love is greater than we will ever know. It is greater than I can ever know. I don't understand how He can love someone like me, or a world like this, but he does. How sweet is your grace, and how sweet is your love.
Jesus, I adore you.
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