Victory is mine!

Jun 27, 2007 23:18

Finally, after days of blood, sweat, and tears I have connected my Nintendo Wii to the internet! I have such an amazing feeling of accomplishment right now. Also, to add to this elated feeling, I have been able to download Toejam & Earl. I missed that game so much. *tear* I was worried it wouldn't be available since I don't remember it being a terribly popular game.

In other news...
I've decided I need to use this journal more. It's been just sitting here bored with neglect Maybe I'll start posting doodles for it. That might make it smile. :)

OOH!! I'll post a funny video. This newscast made me giggle. "Vice-President Dick Cheney is a rogue nation... Invade him!"

image Click to view

Ok. Going to take the brownies out of the oven now.
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