Feb 02, 2007 23:39
Wow... so Merry Christmas/Happy New Years! I am however, quite a bit late. I havn't been on here for SOOOO long since my internet connection was friggin slow. It was running at 3KB/sec at one point. It literally took me 20 minutes to get onto hotmail, sign in, and open an e-mail, and then when I went to go open the e-mail, the server would crash. And if you've talked to me on the phone lately, you would have noticed that it was really bad signal. So my dad called the Bell guys to come out and fix it, and apparently, a mouse had chewed on our wires down the road. So they fixed it, and now the internet is back up to 40KB/sec! God, it feels like friggin high speed to me, now that I had to live through that!
So Christmas was good, I got a sweet snowboard (which I still have yet to use...). New years was also sweet, except awkward. Izzy came up and we celebrated with her, but there was an Alexi/Ben complication... Blah... not good. So yeah, just finished exams, which went to shit. I'm so pissed because I studied sooooooo hard for all of them, and I feel like I did so bad....
This 4 1/2 day break has been pretty awesome thus far. Alex had a sweet party last night for our pool staff. I got the shakes from smoking up... it was pretty bad. I dunno, I felt so cold, but I really wasn't. I don't like the feeling, so I don't know why I keep doing it... LOL! I just think everytime I do it it will be better. So yeah, never again. I will admit that Indiana Jones was pretty hilarious though. I didn't end up leaving Alex's until like 3:30, because I wasn't able to drive until then! LOL! Jerica and Alex were also having a good time... "wrestling"... on the floor. Funniest thing ever. LOL!
Then tonight, I had Julian, Genny, Christine, Victoria and Amber over tonight to watch some movies. We watched Saved, and then part of the Little Mermaid. Oh, and we also watched some of my home videos which were hilarious/embarassing for me. It was good fun. They just left like 20 minutes ago, and I am so sick right now, that I am ready to sleep for the next two days... Blah...
P.S. Simone, I still have your Garden State Soundtrack! Hope your having an awesome time in the CALI-FOR-NI-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!