Aug 07, 2006 23:30
I definately think that this summer has been the best of my life. I've done everything I wanted to do and more. I went to Wonderland (Scomberg, Holland Marsh), visited Izzy in the T-dot, and she came up here (almost got blown away at the drive in HAHA!), I've seen all my friends, went to countless movies, and have all around had fun. Even when I'm at work, I'm still around people that I love, so it's fun to go into work.
So I thought I'd get back into the swing of things since the past few days have been awesome! Saturday night, I went to Lucas's good-bye party since he's going back to Germany. I miss the guys and I only met him twice! It was a good party though. Darrin sung opera in the street while Dani and I were the back-up trees. We also tried to calm down Cork as our trees so she wouldn't be frightened away. She was anyway... lol! I also think I've created a phenomenon with the work "Ston't!!!!" Everyone is saying it now. Yup, and it was all because of a slip of the tounge.
Next morning (we're at Sunday) I got up early to go and guard the triathalon at the lake in Belwood. It was me, Tracy, Jill, Finn, Neil, Shannon, and Jerica. So we all headed down to the shore to get into our Kayak's. I got this shitty little one, while everyone else got really nice one's but I didn't really care. So we paddled out to the middle of the lake, and I was going really fast, and all of the sudden Finn was in front of me and I T-boned him with my Kayak, and I flipped over in the lake. So obviously, once I got out, everyone was laughing, including myself. So I flipped the kayak back over and tried to crawl over Neil's kayak to get back into mine, but it was so filled with water that there was no way I would stay afloat. So I got in, and the motorboat had to pull me back to shore. Needless to say, I stayed in the motorboat for the rest of the race. Then, as soon as we finished that, we went to the food tent and got soooooo much food, got in our cars, and made our way over to the water station. I parked too far over on the road and almost tipped over into the ditch. Finn and Jerica were laughing and me again! LOL! But the water station was awesome. It got so intense! But we got a system going. The runners yelled what the wanted and we would grab it for them, or yell for someone else near the table to get it. That was the best $20 I've ever made. It was awesome fun!
Today was good. I worked at the pool and got paid time-and-a-half which is pretty sweet. After that I came home, had dinner with the family, then went over to Alexi's. We watched one of the old Christmas plays that she was in, and then headed down to New Orlean's to visit Genny at her new job. We stayed there for like 1 1/2 hours, just chillin, and talking to Gen. So like halfway through our stay, this 400lbs guy came in, when Alexi and I were standing by the counter and Genny was in the back, and he looked at me, and said, 'I need to speak to a manager right now.' in what I would say was a very snarky tone. I was going to say something very rude, but I just went: "Ummm... ok." (Like, why would I care?) So Genny came out, and this is how the conversation went:
Genny: "Can I help you?"
Man: "When you make pizza's for customers, do you normally cut them?"
Genny: "Oh... sorry." (Really meaning it.)
Man: "Well maybe you should remember that for next time."
Storms away, whilst shaking the floor. (Not really, but that would have been funny....)
So I laughed at that, and then we continued to talk for a while, when Cory Drimmie, and his friend Gage came in, so we talked to the for a bit. Then we headed back to Alexi's and watched 'V For Vendetta' with Jake. It was just as good the second time around.
Anywho, tommorrow's going to be just another day at the pool... literally. I'm going to be there from 9:30AM-8:00PM and then the next day 9:30AM-10:00PM for 4 hours of staff training in the evening. Staff training is always fun though, so I'm sure it'll be an easy 4 hours worth of pay. I Ston't even think I'll mind it.
P.S. Ston't = Stop + Don't mixed together. It's really quite ingenious and can be used in a wide variety of sentences for those of you who don't know what it means.