Feb 26, 2007 22:25
So I've had a few complaints about my inactivity on Live Journal (this is namely refering to Devon Branca, but saying a few makes it sound better.) So I've mustered up all I got and I wrote a poem about Matt calling and telling me he burned his couch to the ground.
Long Distance Phone Call
The cliche says: some poeple leave fooprints on your heart.
I have minutes to pay for on my cell phone plan.
You called to live out the laughter of distruction
I know this because you said electricity
was to blame for burning your couch, you say
you kicked it. I imagine you wanted to scream
Put it out! Put it out! Some one put the fire out! and you sprayed
gritting your teeth with a smile for faulty wiring- you said
there was fire! You put it out-
you aimed extinguishing the flames-
whitedust whip creamed - it was giggled all of over the room.
It was on your knees as you scrubbed it away. I wished for you
to describe for me how you ate breakfast the next morning,
smirking at the scorches, fire’s footprint left on the wall.
Minutes pass with a shock, you said “fire” and it traveled the airwaves
streached across a million neighborhoods.
Hear beats were racing on our breaths
when we heard each others laughter
like the crackle through a wire
like through the one that ruduced your couch to ash.