Mar 13, 2007 00:35

As per usual monday mornings are usualy dreaded by people...more so for me I drag myself up out of bed at seven am for what...a four hour calculus class. Not just any class, the one I am failing. And of course I suck at it magorly. Though it gave me cause for hope this morning, while doing the "Chain Rule" (dont even ask me what it is I don't understand it,) the book kindly discibled the sum as a "lump" and I quote.

"y=(LUMP)...--> y=POWER x (LUMP) x (diffrentiated lump)"

BEcause you know...thats really...really help full. o___O though I don't understand why I spent an half an hour of my lovly four hour long class giggling about it. Though even more so when i managed to screw up the same equation four times in less than a minute. God help me I am so never going to pass this year. Good bye college...goodbye university....good bye career...good bye decent life hello dole payments.

And if another person tells me not to panic about Maths I'm going to chib them, ok?

Anyway I am keeping to my resolve to acually put something decent and constructive in this page...

Ok not really but its worth a try xD

May the power of the diffrentiated lump be with you all

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