2 days left of school

May 08, 2006 19:05

So two days left of school.

I feel a ll sad now.

I'll miss it believe it or not. I'll miss goign down the village to the bakery for lunch with Lisa and AP.

I'll miss my teachers...yes I will. I'll miss having a laugh with Nicola and Mr. Docherty and takgin the piss out his iorned shirts.

I'll miss Mr Cameron takign the piss out of Martins "fruit bowl" haircut.

And most importantly I'll miss thoese lovly moments where you realise that your hard work has been apriciated and a teacher says "well done."

Most importantly it is now 4 days till my exams start. I'm not that worried about english just have to memorise my quotes. I have the essays in my head and will just need to tweak them when it comes to answering the question in the exam.

So the three peices I have prepaired for my essay paper. Where I have an hour and a half to write two critical essays. ONe of which must be from Prose or Poetry and Drama.

Drama - All My Sons by Arthur Millie (hes a fuckign knobhead.)

Poetry - Hotel Room 12th Floor by Normal MacCaig (hey people its set in NYC what can I say! Yes obssesed)

Prose - Reunion by John CHeever (also set in NYC...Manhattan to be excact.)

I am quite thoroughlyu obsessed.

SO far...today has been rather good.

Passes my Geog and Chem NABs will find out if I passed Bio tomorrow. Cant believe I passed all 3 Chem NABs first time round. Bloody mirical.

Maths Im starting to worry about but Im sure I will pull my finger out in time to get it sorted.

It was weard watching all the 4th years going in to the Chem exam today and realising . 'Hey I was doing that last year'

You get all kinda weard. This yea really has flowen past. Can't believe the exams are here so soon!

Tomorrow will be my penultimate day at school. I'm starting to cry just thinking about it.

Anyway...College will be a new expericance right?

today, exams

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