Jul 01, 2011 02:01
In high school, the kids who were pissy when they got 90% on projects and exams used to irritate me. I was one of those students who put forth the minimum allowable effort, and was satisfied with my 85-90%. They probably just saw me as a slacker, and I was. Now that I am back in college, and have straight A's, I turned into that beast. I got a 90% on a test, and moped for days. I got a 70% on a test last week, and was depressed. Mind you, as with those students in high school. these "bad" grades swim in an ocean of excellence; A's and 100% scores abound. My teacher is very pleased with my work, despite my grades on tests. The only thing that keeps me encouraged about this class is that I still have time to pull up my average. Other than that, it seems as if the authors of my textbook have a biased perspective and an agenda, as does the designer of my course. I swear to all things holy, if I am exposed to read one more detailed, graphic description of female genital mutilation/circumcision, I am going to give one to the president of my university in exactly the way I read about it the first time: in the desert, with a broken glass or aluminum can lid, with a bunch of other women holding her down. I promise you every description I read was 100x more graphic and detailed than that. Did you know there are six kinds? I am probably now qualified to perform each one. But I have run off on a tangent. Where was I? Oh yeah.
Perfect scores on this week's test and last week's discussions have brought my B+ up to an A-. If I can get 95% on last week's paper, and then 94% or better on everything else I turn in, I will get an A for the class. Fingers crossed!