Feb 14, 2011 03:18
If someone gives me flowers, I prefer that they be potted. If they are roses, I prefer to be led outside where they have already been transplanted, and I prefer insanely thorny hybrids to discourage theft. The roses I had to leave behind in NY always had a little blood on them; the blooms were irresistible to thieves, and every last thief paid in blood. I remember one morning I caught a woman who worked in the senior center down the street with one of my distinctive roses in her lapel. She claimed the bloom had fallen, but her hand was pretty badly scratched, and I had remembered seeing evidence that someone had carelessly ripped one of my roses that morning. I warned her to clean the wounds thoroughly since I was in the habit of using chemical pesticides on those bushes, and requested, "I planted and nurtured those flowers for my grandmother's pleasure. If you're going to steal from us, you could at least be mindful not to take the last full bloom, and to please, for the love of sanity, use a knife or a small pruner, and stop hurting my plants!" She flushed, made a sheepish expression, finally giggled nervously under my scrutiny, and nodded her head.
Anyway, I digress. I like to receive flowers. I like it even if they are not potted, in which case I will dry them and keep displaying them long after they are dead. However, I strongly prefer potted plants. My favorite is hyacinths. I don't know if my husband will bring me Valentine flowers. He usually does. I get roses or lilies. He knows I like them. I have mooned over the hyacinths. I have indicated they are my favorite. "Mmmmm they have the purple ones here! Already in full bloom! So fragrant! Bound to come back year after year! Perfect to replace the basil I pulled up!" We shall see. No one has ever given me a hyacinth as a gift, since my mother died, though not for lack of asking. I wonder why the poor hyacinth can't get any gifty love? They are sometimes still blooming for my birthday up north. Down here, that isn't likely, so it's V-day or nuthin'.
Maybe I'll go get my own. Right now. It's V-day already.