Late day tomorrow

Jun 15, 2011 04:56

So I don't have to be to work till 9:30am tomorrow but I'm thinking of waking up like normal anyway and dropping Ethan off at daycare. Or maybe dropping him off later. Either way if I'm still tired I might just leave him in daycare and come home and get some sleep, or if not sleep, getting me time.

I might seem like a bad mother for doing that, but no one will be at work so I'm not staying there. I'm hoping to get done by 11:00am the latest. Then come home and I'm not doing anything, I'm getting some time to myself till 3:00pm maybe then go pick him up.

I need some sleep and time to myself. I basically take care of a baby and clean 24/7 since he was born. Dh says he will but doesn't or he ends up getting frustrated so I have to help. The last time I got any time away from him was when he was in the hospital for jaundice the one day, and he wasn't even a week old.

Plus dh has been in the field for the past 2 weeks so I'm way tired from taking care of a baby by myself and work. I deserve it. Dh said he'll take care of the baby when he gets home, but we'll see.

So I'm going to do it for my sanity and to be selfish.

I tried the babycook yesterday because I got it in. We have tons of apples so I just cut one of those up. It steamed it and pureed it and it did a great job. I thought it was going to suck and I was going to return it, but I'm definitely not.

Ugh, baby just spit up a ton all over my pants and I only have 1 pair of pants so I had to clean it off with baby wipes. This is why I need time to myself. Or the fact that I'm sleep deprived. Only sleeping midnight-4am is exhausting.

Alright I need to finish feeding him and go to work.

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