Nov 30, 2003 21:13
examples of my Dr. Suess mood
to jeannette:
eeeeeeeeeeeee i got an email from lindsay! :-D
guess what! guess what! guess what she told me!
she lives so close, 'cuz she's near club HP!
to my cat:
you want to play with the ball and the bell?
hurry and chase it! it will do you well!
there goes the ball! go fetch and play!
now there it is! it's running away!
more to jeannette:
dr. suess is on, he's on biography
but it's two hours long, and on A&E!
i can't sit too long, and watch the show
i'd get tired and bored, a big giant no!
oh no! oh no! i'm rhyming in couplets!
next thing you know, i'll be playing with tuplets!
jeannette: i have photos
the photos! the photos! i simply can't wait!
bring them to me, and i'll be your best mate!