Jun 19, 2009 15:24
So yes, as the title states, I have caved to the temptation of finally getting an LJ account. XD
Most people I know have one, so I guess it was only a matter of time >.> We'll see how long I'll end up posting, hopefully I'll get used to it XD
Will most likely be using this for random everyday comments as is normal XD Most likely lots of cosplay-ness, possibly a couple recommendations of things I'm watching/reading, etc XD So why don't we get started! =D
Passed my last full week before my job starts rather interestingly XD Went to wonderland with meaghie, which was a lot of fun! I tried to go to Wonderland as many times as I could before the school's end, which is when it'll reeeaaaally get busy. Was still relatively good when we went, even walked right on to a couple rides! Was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself X3
Finally got my bed in at my house in hamilton as well, after some ... complications last week during the first delivery day >< was not fun. And the room is finally all painted! It is now purple instead of this weird sort of green.
Cosplay time! =3
Polaris: Plans are currently pirate for the dance on friday; delight on saturday and shilo wallace on sunday! PIrate is going.. ok. XD Have the dress (same one bought down in kensington for delight), boots, and... an epic brass compass me and meaghie randomly found in this random little shop at bay and bloor. XD I was deligated the navigator position, which means I get a compass and telescope, which leaves me with no complaints what so ever! Me and meaghie headed downtown to Miss C's this wig and bought are wigs, so basically delight is all done. Shilo is epic closet cosplay (I watched the movie and was like, wow I own most of those clothes she has XD). Bought wig last week from hong kong, was amazed when it came this week O.O That was a big yay XD
Fanexpo: Seeeeeeeeeeeeekret cosplay going well. otherwise, not much happened yet with rita or jubilee. Need to head down to the Queen shopping district sometime soon to get that amazingly obnoxious bright yellow shiny fabric I found with kevin XD Speaking of kevin, he came over last night for some much needed sewing advice and help. I am very very happy he'll be doing the tales of vesperia cosplay with me, and helping me with my first 'zomg challenge' costume X3 Started modifying my kimono pattern for rita to include all those crazy stripes around the edges. Wish me luck! n.n
Well, that's basically all for now XD Start job training on sunday, which should be interesting, I get to do nothing but crafts for 8 weeks!