Jan 17, 2007 11:54
And while I'm in a posting mood (gee, have I not posted in nearly a month!?), I'll give you what you've naturally all been waiting for: A Baby Update.
Well, there's not much to say, really. He's a bit bigger now. He was 9 lbs. and change at his last checkup. He's sucking down formula and breast milk like it's going out of style. Like his parent's he's something of a night owl, but he needs to learn that some portion of the night is actually for sleeping. I was up until 4 AM with him, when he decided that our house was a Las Vegas All Night Buffet.
He has the dangerous habit of trying to fly out of your arms and into space. Sometimes, he'll try and leap towards the floor, and sometimes he'll plow headlong into you, smacking you with a disturbingly forceful headbutt that doesn't seem to phase him. We've made a bit of a game of it. I'll sit on the couch with my arms at my sides, and he'll wriggle up my chest until he decides to roll over to either side and land in the crook of one of my arms.
He seems to be smiling more and more. Last night I thought I got a bit of a smile as I tickled his chest, and sometimes he smiles when we play the rollover game. But at his age, smiles still mostly mean gas.
I know how ridiculous this will seem in the very near future, but sometimes I feel like he'll be a baby forever.