I just got back home from my birthday party. It was just insanely fun, and I'm coming down from the high of being around all my friends and having such a spectacular time.
I didn't have high hopes for this birthday. What with my Jekyll schedule, and moving, and going to Jamaica, I just didn't see when we'd actually have time for anything.
mollyx echoed my disappointment. She'd be so busy with Avalon that there was no time for planning.
My actual birthday was kind of depressing. Jekyll and Hyde's a fine place to go for your birthday as a customer, but as an employee, not so much. All day long you see all the people who are not you out celebrating their birthdays, getting cake and presents and giant gargoyles telling them they stink. (Since I, like every other J&H actor, play Fang the Gargoyle, I suppose I could just sit in a room and insult myself for hours using his voice, but it's just not the same.) After my shift I put in an appearance at the Avalon cast party, but I was tired and somewhat depressed so I left early.
king_duncan had accidentally spoiled the surprise that
mollyx was going to actually take my suggestion that we go out for 点心 (dim sum), but she played it down, saying that most of my friends weren't able to make it for some reason or another. Sly fox...
mollyx picked me up from Jekyll, and we headed down to Ping Restaurant on Mott St., where many of my friends were already waiting. When I noticed that there were more people than
mollyx had let on, and extra chairs to boot, I knew that I'd been had. This was a much bigger deal than I'd imagined.
king_duncan and our non-LJ'ed friends Susan and Nikki were already there.
ceebeegee, and
wonderpanther showed up shortly thereafter.
Dinner was lovely, although not everyone was as into authentic Chinese food as I was. I ordered cold jellyfish salad as an appetizer (which a few people were brave enough to try) and a main course of 皮蛋 (thousand year old egg) with some greens and tofu and ordinary egg that no one besides
mollyx and myself were willing to try. Still, I greatly appreciate that my friends were willing to come out just for me, even if it wasn't the kind of place they'd like to go to on their own.
There were a few gifts, as well...
ceebeegee got me a Jagermeister bead necklace from her trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and
wonderpanther and
walltack got me a beautiful Sake set and a beautiful bottle of Sake to go with it. On the way home, I commented to
mollyx how odd it was that I was carrying home a Japanese bottle of wine and a necklace advertising a German liquor in a bag from a Chinese restaurant. Only in New York, folks...