I love my "home course"

Jul 02, 2005 03:36

I'm officially declaring Lakeview Disc Golf Course at Moraine State Park (Pennsylvania) as my "home course."

I've had the chance to play it a number of times now and I love it, it's the perfect combination of challenging and fun. You'll contend with trees, brush, a very challenging layout, wind, swarming bugs some long holes, but you'll love it. I'm very impressed by the job that the Pittsburgh Flying Disc Society did on this course - it was very worth the wait.

Hole-By-Hole Overview

1 - (300ft./297ft. par 3) - The course starts you off easy. Pretty much straight on, nothing our of the ordinary. The dogleg right is much easier than on the map.

2 - (441ft./396ft. par 4) - This hole has a hill and trees that threaten any throw, watch the drainage ditch - it is OB.

3 - (243ft./228ft. par 3) - The pin placement on this one changes the challenge quite a bit. Position A keeps it simple, B & C put it inside a copse of trees that promises to grab at your discs.

4 - (385ft./339ft. par 4) - This one is deceiving on the map as well. If the hill w/ drainage ditch doesn't get you the fact that after you get past them you still have a good 150 feet to go through woods will.

5 - (228ft./225ft. par 3) - Good short hole. I should have birdied this one by now, but I always do something dumb. Watch for B & C pin positions.

6 - (934ft./675ft. par 5) - This hole is a mothereffer. You must be VERY straight long. I have only played the white tees, but the 250 feet that the blues have added on is pretty much open. The fairway would be nice and simple if it weren't for the damned row of trees down the middle of it.

7 - (312ft./270ft. par 3) - I love this hole. It's a nice break from the one before it. Like you can see on the map, nice easy d.l. left, plus your on top of a hill! Pick a nice overstable disc and let 'er rip.

8 - (564ft./459ft. par 4) - This one can be a breeze or a beast depending on how you handle that bottleneck. This one must cross a whitetail deer freeway, 'cause I see them all the time here. The C position on the pin will create some difficulty because you'll have no clue where it really is.

9 - (345ft./327ft. par 3) - This one is pretty easy, get it down there and into the woods on the right. Just don't put it down the hill after it.

10 - (465ft./429ft. par 4) - The d.l. on this one is decieving. For those of you that have some good control with your discs, you shouldn't have a problem; however, anyone who doesn't have the surname Climo, you might have a problem. Pin placement can either kill your dreams or fulfill them here too.

11 - (444ft./303ft. par 3) - This one is a fun one. Pin placement comes in here too though, you might be dealing with a pretty good uphill dogleg, or just aiming out front - just make sure you know where it is before you throw.

12 - (573ft./558ft. par 4) - This hole constantly combines my best throw of the day with my worst. After your drive, you'll think, 'How much farther can this be?!' Just wait, after you enter the woods, the trees will grab at your disc. Just try not to taco it too bad.

13 - (300ft./231ft. par 3) - Pretty easy one, just watch for the trees and the trained attack squirrel - the thing really did throw stuff at me.

14 - (489ft./363ft. par 4) - This one reminds me of 10 but without the dog leg. Mostly it's the uber-sappy pine tree. Get past it and a few more small trees and you're good for the chains.

15 - (852ft./692ft. par 4) - The courses signature hole - looks out over Lake Arthur; beautiful. This is where you pull out your superman forehand throw. You are up on top of a decent hill, but there is brush between you and the lower section after the curve. The pin placement will dictate everything but your drive, just get it past the brush on the right and down the hill. Have fun finding your disc!

16 - (624ft./483ft. par 5) - The other bastard hole. Drive up over the wooded hill, and then across the field that is threatening to turn into a forest. Make sure you don't go past the basket, you might be down into more wooded hill-ness. Again, it depends on the positioning how dangerous that might be.

17 - (312ft./258ft. par 3) - Nice short break. I prefer a backhanded roller up over the trees, it will put you in position for a good layup or brave go-for-it. Another fun hole.

18 - (436ft./426ft. par 4) - On to the final drive. This one can be dangerous - for scores and discs. Trees will threaten to taco discs, I've lost two this way. Get past them and you have a small revine to deal with, on the other side of the ravine is a walking path which is OB; you can just get past the ravine you have to get past it. Depending on the position of the chains, it's smooth sailing or smooooooooth sailing from there.
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