So, yeah Updates and stuff.

Mar 18, 2012 13:12

So anyone who has been paying attention  will know about the Repubs continual assault against the women of America.  I don't want to talk about that right now, it makes me too mad.  And it is a pretty day outside.  Little white puffy clouds and all.

So:  I've been planting stuff.  So far I have seventeen watermelon sprouts,  about ten corn sprouts, and possibly some spinach is sprouting.  My lavender, butterfly bush, and forget me nots have not sprouted yet.  Doesn't look like the strawberry seeds will either.  Kiwi berry might just be taking longer.  I need to get off my butt and get some tomatoes out, and carrots, and peas.  Found a catalog that sells cacao bushes, and boy if I had a greenhouse to put some in I would be all over that like the green on grass.  Yum, chocolate.

I've been hanging out laundry some days when it's nice like this.  I should probably do some today.

Working on making a Victorian/Edwardian style dress.  Took me about 6-7 hours to cut out the pattern and all the pieces at my mom's last week.  Gotta go back this week to sew some pieces together.  I'm planning to wear it to the march on the  capital at the end of the month.  Maybe the one in April too.  Have a sign that says: "It's 2012, NOT 1912!! Why must women still fight for equal rights?!"

Today is also the two year anniversary of the day I was violated by medical personnel.  Not really a fun time for me.  There is no way I can fake smile for cameras today, so I have to try to avoid my grandmother so I don't get roped into some whole cake thing.  Which means I need to get off my ass and off the computer and get out of the house and go someplace for the rest of the day until time for Jayson to leave for work.

Last year she invited my (ex) sister without even asking me. (The one who said that since a doctor did it, it doesn't count.)  I vamoosed until she was gone.  Fortunately she can't pull that again this year as my (ex) sister and her family are stationed in Japan.  And not even my love of anime, Japanese dolls, and other things japan style will sway me EVER to speak to her again. NOTHING will. I would not go to her funeral even.  I would not let my kids go to her kid's birthday or anything.  She will not get to see my kids if I know she is visiting a relative I won't go or let them go.  I am SO GLAD she is on the other side of the planet with plane tickets being as expensive as they are.  That way she can't just pop in to visit from out of state without anyone telling me they were coming like happened last year.

Duo is up there right now, b/c he spent the night last night.  I gotta grab something to eat and a shower and take little bit and skedaddle before they think to come down here.

And I'm still procrastinating getting off the computer.  Xb

birthdays, rape, politics, sewing, trauma, stupid people, rights, garden, baby, plants

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