So this is supposed to be the Land of the Free, right?

Sep 13, 2011 17:05

Well, NOT apparently if you are a woman.  The MS state supreme court said it could not rule on the constitutionality of the proposed amendment b/c it was not a law yet.  So there are less than two months before the vote, and the supporters of this amendment have been hosting revivals and preaching sermons about it.  The MS state supreme court is elected, not appointed.

For those of you who may have missed it, the amendment will declare a fertilized egg has all the legal rights of a fully formed human being.

It is called the "Personhood Amendment" and if you can't see already, this is why it is so bad:  The birth control pill and IUD will no longer be legal in this state. Why? Because one of the ways they prevent pregnancy is preventing implantation of an already fertilized egg.  Also, miscarriage will have to be investigated by the police, as it will now constitute "Death".  This means, if you were in a car accident while pregnant, and it was ruled to be your fault, and you later miscarry, you could go to prison for killing your baby.  Or if you smoked or drank coffee or acohol, even if it was before you found out you were pregnant.  And apparently (this just recently came out in the news) taking ibprofen can double your risk of miscarriage. So would this outlaw that too? Or would it just move behind the counter and be illegal for women of childbearing age?  The IVF clinics in MS would shut down.  They will not want the liability with insuring that NONE of the embryos they keep are destroyed.  Hurricane caused power outage anyone?   And what about women with tubal pregnancy?  They are screwed, the state does not care.  Just like it does not care about children after they are born.  The same people who support this are the people who are trying to defund child welfare, and free school lunches.  The people who believe only sluts have abortions or babies outside of marriage, and should be forced to pay for their sin.  Even if it kills them.

Fetal rights to life trump the mother's right to life in the minds of these people.  If you got raped you probably deserved it, and if you get pregnant as a result of that rape then it is clearly God's Will, and you will damn well have that baby or die trying.   If you are an eleven year old girl and got raped by your father/stepfather/preacher/teacher/uncle/cousin/whoever.  Well.  You are just shit out of luck.  MS has the highest infant mortality rate in the country, and I think the highest maternal mortality rate as well.

Right now there is a 15 year old girl on trial for depraved heart murder, b/c she miscarried her baby.  As far as I know, no one is pursuing the man who raped her.  (15 is statutory rape in MS)  She is addicted to cocaine, and that is what the court is basing it's accusation on, in spite of the lack of ANY medical evidence to support it.  No one is asking why this 15 year old is addicted to hard drugs.  No one is asking where the "father" of the baby is, or even who it is.   This will NOT be the last such case to come before the courts if this amendment should pass. 
In South Carolina they passed legislation that was supposed to protect fetus' from outside (male) attackers.  I.E. abusive relationships.  SInce they passed that law several years ago, ONE man has been tried.  THREE HUNDRED women have been tried.

This is a link to a video that shows how similar laws are already affecting women around America.  So if you know anyone who lives in MS or knows anyone who does, please pass this on.   They are saying it will only outlaw abortion and have no other effect, but it will do SO much more than that.

I can't get out and spread the word like I had planned, b/c our car is broken again.  So I'm relegated to attempting to spread the word over the internet.

mother, rights, rage, baby, pregnant, rant

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