Equating books with candy.

Aug 21, 2010 02:41

I was inspired by a post elsewhere, and since I already had this idea, I am going to make a list of the pulp fiction I've read and say what kind of candy I think it is like.  Might say why too, but maybe in a different post as I should REALLY be in bed right now instead of typing this.

Twilight-  Cotton Candy, light fluffy and absolutely no substance whatsoever.
Vampire Diaries (original)~ Some higher end chocolate
Vampire Diaries (new ones)- Tootsie rolls (I hate those)
Sookie Stackhouse series- Milky Way
Anita Blake~ Dark Chocolate with caramel- chewy, sticky, but with a bit of bite
Merry Gentry~ Chocolate pie with whipped cream, lots of it.  B/c when you bite into it, you're like "oh this is so bad for me, but I want MORE.

That's all for now.  Feel free to leave suggestions, and/or your own comparisions in the comments.  As may be obvious at this point, I really love chocolate.  I'll think up some more when it's not 0'dark thirty.


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