Wild Mustang Roundup and Slaughter

Nov 10, 2009 12:21

So, I used to be under the impression that they only rounded up mustangs from areas where there was a high population density and not many natural predators.  I was wrong.  I did know that any who didn't get adopted at the round up got sold to slaughter so rich French people could eat them.  Horse is apparently considered a delicacy in some places.  This is also a big part of why I don't like the French.

So the BLM or Bureau of Land (Mis)Management has been mangling the management of wild horses for years.  They tried out this experimental birth control/infertility drug on them that was only supposed to keep the mares from breeding for one year.  Over three years later, some mares who recieved the drug are still without a foal, despite going into heat and being bred (by their band stallion) every month since.   One year there was 0% population growth because of mountain lions (who ate all the foals born that year but 1).  So the next year they paid hunters to come in and kill some mountain lions so they could keep going with their experimental drug program.

This year they have had a massive round up of one of the most famous wild horse herds.  You may have heard of them.  Cloud's herd got rounded up and he lost most of his family.  Cloud is a palamino stallion who has featured in several PBS nature documentaries.  Even fame can't protect the mustangs from the BLM's greed.  They want the horses out of the way so they can open the land up for mining interests.  So they keep rounding up more horses that they don't or can't take care of, even though their own experts said they need all the horses that are out there to stay out there to maintain a reasonable gene pool.

This really pisses me off.  I donated $250 dollars to the cause "Front Range Equine Rescue" to help them save as many mustangs as they can. I have also signed several petitions about this, and messaged everyone on my facebook f-list about at least one of them.

If you search "Save the Mustangs" or "The Cloud Foundation" you should be able to find one or more petitions to the BLM and the secretary of the interior to stop these round ups.

Please pass the word on to as many people as possible.  I don't know how many people read my journal, but I know some people on my f-list here have a wide reading audience.  The more people who sign the petition, the more likely we are to get someone in the government to listen.

rage, mustangs

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