Random ramblings

Feb 24, 2009 15:47

So by Friday we should have our tax return money back. Yay!!  Half goes into savings, as always, and half we get to play with and help boost the economy.  I have a big fat shopping spree planned already.  Gonna shorten my wishlists on Amazon a bit, and finally,  finally  get a Pre-Mattel Felicity doll. I have wanted her since AG came out with them.  So I've been scanning ebay to see what the cost estimate is for one. And how to tell the diference. I'm not liking the AG website so much right now.  There is a lot of Kirsten's stuff that used to be in her collection that isn't up there anymore.  So I might have to hunt up some of those pieces on ebay too.  Because they will only get more expensive the longer I wait.  I will probably buy some of Felicity's outfits from AG, just so they will be complete.  I've seen a lot of partial outfits up on ebay, and I don't want to pay those prices and not get what was supposed to come with the outfit originally.

For those who may have missed my news earlier, Jayson has been recalled to active duty and will be once again working for the US Army for at least a year.  The up side is that we will have health insurance again.  So I can finally get my wisdom teeth out this summer.  And a new prescription for my glasses.  I need that BAD.

I've been watching the new season of LOST and I still don't see how they can explain everything by the end of next season.  Also I have been watching the eps from earlier seasons on G4 and SciFi channel.  Not in any kind of order, but I don't have the season box set on DVD so it's been a long time since I've seen some of those episodes.  I totally missed that Alex was the one who helped Claire escape from the Others when she was pregnant with Aaron.

I am hooked on that new show Dollhouse.  Eliza Dushku (?sp) is one of my fave actresses.  Fox was having issues when they aired it last week though.  Wound up showing 20 minutes of this old 80's show Airwolf instead of Dollhouse, and cut back in to the show about two minutes before it was over.  Missed a massive piece of plot.  I'm gonna have to look it up on one of the video internet sites to see the whole thing.

I meant to post a long time ago about this.  My new year's resolution was to keep track of what books I read this year to see how many it winds up being.  I've never kept track before and I read a lot, so I am curious to see how much I read in a year.  I'll post the list of books I've read so far in the next post.  Currently I am reading Lord of the Crooked Path(s) which is taking me forever to get through, and Blood of Ten Chiefs, which I am about halfway through.   I have a lot of stuff on my TBR list, including some classic stuff.   I also joined Paperbackswap.com, and it is a great site.  I have 3 credits on there now, and I'm saving them for when something comes through my wishlist.  They have an automatic request thing you can set up.  And since most of the books I have been requesting are out of print or hard to find, it is definitely a good deal.   if you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend it.

My sister Kat is coming to visit from California.  I don't know how long she will stay, but it will be nice to see her again.  I love her, but we are at each other's throats if we have to be in the same house for more than a day or two.  She will probably be staying with Mom.

Hope everyone is having a decent week.

teeth, kat, army, books, dolls, jayson, money, dollys, doll

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