Brave New America??

Nov 04, 2008 23:05

As you may, or may not have already heard, America has a new president.  The next four years should be interesting, to put it mildly.  My sister, who was fortunate enough to be born in Germany while our dad was stationed there, is considering invoking her dual citizenship and going to live over there.  I shouldn't say  "considering" actually, I should say "planning".

I think everyone I know IRL is going to be unhappy.  Definitely all my family.

and No. I didn't vote for McCain. But I didn't vote for Obama either.
And YES, I did vote.

*sigh*  I really wish the media would stop pretending this is a two party system.  If they would ever give the other candidates airtime, we might actually get something accomplished here.

I know someone who was convinced that Obama would get killed before the election.  Guess they were wrong.

Once more I am given to extremely dislike the electoral college system.  B/c my vote doesn't really count.

I need to go watch Supernatural or something to cheer myself up.

kat, moving, supernatural, election, germany

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