Sep 13, 2008 00:07
So I tried to name my brown horse Laurelai. Wouldn't work. Changed the spelling a bit. Still didn't work. Shortened it to Laura. Still wouldn't work. What exactly is their criteria for an unacceptable name? Because this isn't making a damn bit of sense. Also checked to see if Hidalgo would work. It doesn't. So I guess I won't be getting the Pinto after all. Oh well. Saves me some money.
BTW if you were wondering, the message that pops up says, "The name you have chosen contains a word we find unacceptable." Bogus. What could possibly be unacceptable about Laura? Haven went through. A bunch of my more unusual names went through. I just don't get it. They are confusing me greatly.
I gotta go. I got some pony custom work to do while the little bit is sleeping.