Longer update

Jul 20, 2008 09:33

Okay, so besides the extended back and forth to get the computer fixed, I was in serious internet  withdrawal, and read a few books. Also we've been working our way through Highlander: the series.  We're on the last season with 4 eps to go.  And apparently they made another movie which I think went direct to dvd b/c I had never heard of it. It's Highlander: The Source.  Three people from the series were in it; Adrian Paul, of course, and Methos, and Joe Dawson.  But it still sucked.  It was almost as bad as Highlander 2.
Watched other stuff with Netflix.  The Gummi Bears, Nanny McPhee (finally), this weird movie Cinderella 2000 (not as good as the one with Cheryl Smith), Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, and some other stuff I can't remember right now.

the books I've been reading are Return of the King (reread), Warriors: Into the Woods (like it), Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Blood Noir, Return to Labyrinth 1&2, and Castle Waiting.  And I think I reread Teek when the computer first started acting funky.   I read several books while working my way back through the Tolkien.  He's good, but his writing is really dense (as in complex) and I had to take breaks to read something lighter.  Blood Noir is very good.  I only recently found the Twilight series, I like it, and like  
tanz_fanatika  I am rooting for Jacob.  Apparently there is going to be a movie, but after what Hollywood did to Blood and Chocolate and the Dark is Rising, I don't know if I want to see it.  I've already read complaints about the casting.   I am looking forward to seeing the conclusion, and if Jacob doesn't get the main girl I hope he at least finds a good one for his own.   The Return to Labyrinth series is vey good, Hopefully I will find the next two volumes soon.  Also I borrowed the first Dark Crystal manga from 
gakki.  It is also good.   Warriors is a series I've been meaning to delve into for quite some time, but I never found the first volume when I had the money to spend.  Now I have and it is good. Kinda cliffhangery at the end, which leaves me going, What happens next?  Arrgh. Now I've got to get the next few books.  And it's a long series.  I'm gonna have to see if the library has any of them.   Castle waiting is a very good comic.  Twisted fairy tale fans ahoy.  I got the first hardback volume which is apparently the first twelve issues of the comic.  There are more out now, I just need to order them now that we are back online.  It's very funny.

Duo's favorite movies at the moment are: Zathura, Over the Hedge, and Wonderpets.  Last night we had a change and he watched Hamtaro.  Also he likes the Thomas the train series very much.  and the Winnie the Pooh movies.   We played Memory the other day.  He doesn't really get it, but he took turns very well.   He loves going outside and hates to come back in, no matter how long he's been out of doors.   But it's too hot to stay out for very long.  Oh yeah, I finally started getting the Pocket dragons I've been meaning to collect for Duo since he was born.  We have four figurines and 5 ornaments.  Gotten on ebay.  Ebay is such crack.  and I am such an addict.

Anyway I think that's all that been going on with me.


pocket dragons, manga, twilight, duo, books, movies, castle waiting, cats, highlander, games, werewolves, vampires

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