Chuck Norris for Prez!!

Jun 02, 2008 18:18

Vote Chuck Norris for President!  No one will mess with the USA then.  Better than any candidate we have been offered thus far.

In other news, we have a place and are fairly settled.  I had a birthday.  Jayson made me a chocolate pound cake from scratch.  It was very very yummy.

It is very hot in MS now.
Watched Sweeney Todd finally, it is good, but they left out mine and Jayson's fave songs and the end that lets you know somebody got a happy ending.
Started to watch The Golden Compass, but got so disgusted I  stopped about half an hour in.  Way too much exposition too early, not enough charecterization. Too bad, I had been looking forward to it.  Won't see the sequals if they make them.  If you've read the books and haven't seen the movie yet, don't bother.  It will just irritate you.  That's my opinion.
Should be getting 27 Dresses next.  Hope it turns out to be as good as reported.  I love Katherine Heigel (?sp) anyway.

Saw Prince Caspian in the theatre, It is very good.  Ben Barnes who plays Caspian looks a bit too old, but I just kept thinking he looked familiar, and finally remembered to look him up. Found out he was in Stardust.  That's why I recognized him.

My dad forgot my birthday for the third year in a row.  I'm gonna go over there soon and guilt trip him in front of my stepmom, which should garantee a fair amount of concillatory birthday money.

Speaking of birthday's . . .  HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!  I would have sent a card, but I don't have the address.

The cable people still think our address does not exist.  Twice they have called to say they fixed the problem but when we called back it was gone again.


movie, birthday, cake, baking

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