Aug 09, 2007 16:34
I've been buying stuff on ebay for quite some time, and overall I have had good experiences. But yesterday I found out I'd been had by an unscrupulous seller. My total item cost was $24.99. This was on three combined items. Her shipping charge was $27. I paid this, as I know shipping is getting more expensive and didn't know what it would cost her to ship it. When the package arrived yesterday, it had the postage on it. For $7.55. Will someone please explain what costs justify the extra $19.45 dollars I paid her? I would also like to note that there was no special care in packaging (which I didn't expect anyway), such as bubble wrap or packing peanuts. I understand charging handling costs, but doesn't that seem a bit excessive to anyone, or is it just me? So I gave her a nuetral feedback score. Said items as described, quick shipping, HIGH shipping charges. Which was, is and will always remain factual. So she nuetral's me back and says "Buyer wants everything for free" and that I'd agreed to the cost. Well, yeah, I did, when I thought it was going to the cost and not just to line your greedy pockets. Anyway her ebay user name for anyone who cares is: lisa0994. I will not be doing business with her ever again.
In happier news I have 87 MY Little Ponies now, with no doubles. None that I'm counting anyway, since the doubles are bait ponies. I've got some re-hairing and stuff to do on some of them, but all some needed was a bath and lots of conditioner and a good combing. I've got quite a few more on the way with only one double I think. I'm only missing four flutter ponies and one of those is a mail order which I will probably never get seeing how much people on ebay are wanting for theirs. Of course two of those had the original wings. One didn't and they still wanted $45, which is a little more than I'm willing to spend on a single pony right now. And she wasn't in otherwise minty condition either.
Anyway, three months until Jayson comes home, YAY!! Originally he would've been home already, but our prez and people decided to extend them all. Joy. At least we get paid extra.
Got VanDread from Netflix yesterday. First 3 discs. Watched them all. It's still as awesome as I remembered. Gotta send em back so I can get the next three.
Gotta go eat and stuff, later people.