
Jun 24, 2006 10:17


riverfest is a thing they have every year up at Alexandria bay, on the st. Lawrence river. That is where the 1000 islands are.there is a castle up there: Boldt Castle. we mainly went up to riverfest so we could see it. Never AGAIN!! It was way too crowded. Might go up sometime when it isn't riverfest. The castle was neat. Rather Gothic. five or six floors. It isn't all restored, but what is, is REALLY lovely. Got video. Duo had fun, but after carrying him up all those stairs, i was pooped. you have to ride a ferry over to the island the castle is on. That was fun. and we saw this little brown house built on a rock with barely any room between it and the river. jayson wants it. I think it is pretty neat myself.

Riverfest was Thursday and it was supposed to rain so i didn't take a long sleeve shirt to keep the sun off. And now i am paying for it. i have sunburn all over my shoulders. It HURTS!!

Anyhow, today we are going to get the car tuned up and get two new tires for the back before we head out on our road trip. also gonna pick up some stuff at Sam's Club and hunt for more Carebears for Duo. he has 8 so far. because i'm not getting the new ones that they have made up or the old ones with their colors or tummy symbols changed. I saw a braveheart lion in a claw machine at Denny's, but couldn't get him. i only had a dollar in change and i'm not that good. it was a crappy claw anyway. But that was the first carebear cousin i've seen in the size that i'm collecting.

Also, for the post of "Things Duo has Tried to Eat"

today, he was playing with the remote, got the cover off, and tried to eat a BATTERY!
then he found something on the floor somewhere and tried to eat it. i fished it out of his mouth, but i still have no idea what it was. he had also tried to eat numerous rocks off the asphalt, grass, my flowers, the entertainment center, plug protectors, a flashlight, several books, and his daddy's nose.

I'll keep updating.



carebears, baby eats, boldt castle, riverfest

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