I should really be asleep right now

Sep 21, 2019 05:03

But since I am not, I thought that I would post an update.

My niece has her birthday party tonight. It's Drive-In themed at my mom's house. She is staying there while my sister is at college out of town. They were both staying there with my uncle last year, but there were a lot of issues with her school, and how they sent her to counseling without informing my sister and a bunch of other stuff.

So we are going to that. Jayson is going to drop us off on his way to work, and Mom will bring us back after.

Xander has gotten back into Veggie Tales. I wish I could find our copy of Lord of the Beans or The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. No idea where they have gotten to. Seth really likes Choose Your Own Adventure books. And Wishbone, since I found some episodes on YouTube. I wish they would put that up on one of the streaming sites because YouTube does not have that much and the quality is iffy. It was a good show. We have 3 Wishbone books that I got in a bin of books from my stepmom when she and my dad were cleaning off their carport. They were her classroom library books from her teaching days. Some I already had, some I did not. I am keeping about half of them and donating the rest to the thrift store that helps support the local children's group home.

In other news, we have been invaded by fire ants and the other night they were biting me in my bed when I was trying to go to sleep. So I am about ready to resort to pesticides around the house. I will just have to hope that the lizards don't eat any of the bait. I like the lizards, but the ants have gone too far. And the ant bait traps from Walmart do not work at all.

mom, life stuff, books, jayson, sister, school, ants, kids

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