It's Friday

May 11, 2007 11:52

May 11It's Friday

It's Friday, and here's what's on my mind:

No steak for you! Restaurant owner Jeff Ruby turned OJ Simpson away.  Ruby told OJ to get lost, refusing to serve the acquitted murderer last weekend in Kentucky.  OJ stopped by the steakhouse with friends for a bite to eat while he was in town for the Derby, but he quickly found he’d have to find another place to chow down.  I say, “Good for Ruby!”  So did many of the other patrons, who gave the owner a standing ovation for sticking to his guns (after OJ had left).  After all, we all know he did it…and then he did try to make money off it.

About Lost: An end date has been announced; now, the writers can start planning their way to the end.  Dude, tell me John is not dead.

About Grey’s: Home of the worst bachelor/bachelorette parties ever.  I were any one of those people, I’d find new friends STAT!

About Donnelly’s: It sucks that you can only watch it online now.  I hate NBC a little.  But, this is still some good sh*t.  I totally predicted it was Dokie who’d done Bobby.  Oh, and I knew Tommy would go back to Nicky to form an alliance.  I just worry that Tommy didn’t finish Dokie off…now he’s just severely beaten and humiliated and angry…a bad combo.

Jenn on Abuse: Those people who locked their kid in a cage and used a shock collar to torture him should be locked in small cages and forced to wear shock collars. They should give the remote to a deranged serial killer sitting on death row. The end.

Jenn on Kids:

Note: I have no children, and there’s a reason for that.  But some things are just common sense people.  Seriously.

Down the street from my house yesterday afternoon, a toddler fell out of the backseat of a moving car and was run over by the car traveling behind them.  Yes, I said a toddler fell out of a moving car.  Now, while this is tragic (the child did not survive), one must wonder what the hell the mother was thinking letting a 3 year old ride in the back seat without a safety seat, a safety belt, or child safety locks engaged.  The child literally was just in the backseat free of any type of protection or restraint when she decided it would be fun to pull that shiny handle beside her.  Note to parents: safety seats exist for a reason.  Seat belts are required by law for a reason.  Child safety locks were invented for a reason.  Use them.  Please.

A lady got arrested over here yesterday for leaving her 3 kids in her uncranked car while she went shopping in Sam’s. (Note: the three children were all under the age of 3, with one being less than a year old) Have you ever been shopping in Sam’s?  It’s not a “run in and run out” kind of place.  You had 3 kids; be responsible.  It’s 95-effing-degrees out.  You didn’t even crack a window.  I do better by my dog than you do by your children.  If you decide to have three kids, be prepared, you will probably be dragging 3 kids with you on every errand-running excursion, on every shopping trip.  This is life with 3 children…unless you’re ultra-wealthy and hire a nanny.  If you are neither ultra-wealthy nor prepared to drag 3 small children with you everywhere, get on the pill!  Use condoms.  Do not under any circumstances have 3 kids!  The end.
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