Nov 29, 2004 00:22
And here I am again, back in the town that is in the process of wasting valuable tax dollars on a recount for a proposition that would basically legalize marijuana.
Thanksgiving weekend recap, nice and simple:
Went to the classes I could, flew home with Eric and Josh. Amazingly enough, leaving at 3.15, we made our 5.50 flight comfortably, even with the Thanksgiving rush. Met up with the family, caught up on some times, had KOREAN FOOD, gave them gifts, and basically talked with my sister for most of the night.
Woke up late. As I usually do. Stayed in the house, watched football (freakin Peyton Manning), and then, the extended family started arriving! Hassled my cousin from UCLA about how much better Cal was by showing him the shirt I would later give to my main man Eric, and then having 'civilized' discussions about it. We both agree, however, that Cal should have won, that USC is overrated, and any school with red in its colors should die. Thanksgiving dinner was great, as it is every year, since my mom cooks it. I mashed potatoes, thank you very much. After we all oohed and aahed about my cousin's baby, I actually got relatively few questions about college other than how I like it, what are the big differences (I think my uncle who is a pastor was shocked when I boldly told him in Korean 'bathrooms.'), and how I like my roommate. Afterwards, we watched Hellboy (DON'T WATCH IT), and then chilled until they left.
And the fun begins. So I woke up and did nothing again. Watched sports, as I always do, since sports are my life. Then I went to the Galleria Market Plaza in downtown, where I went to a Korean market and a Korean optometrics center for my glasses (It was so bizarre seeing all these Korean stores again). I got home after some good old Olive Bakery chocolate cream filled bread, and then about 2.30 left early for my basketball game to go to the Sav-On and buy some Trojan condoms for later (woowoowoo) because I knew I would need them. Had to make some bizarre excuse about a friend turning 18 and a joke when I couldn't find them an asked this cashier for help. Seriously, what is wrong with girls? The girl cashier gave me a funny look and then giggled as I walked away. The guy cashier I bought them from says 'Hello' with a straight face, and then when I pay for them says, "Have a GOOD day sir." like it was totally normal. Females . . . And then I played basektball. Lew, Ching, Me, Joe, and Eric against Ivory, Jono, Chris, Adriano, and Kyle. We won. Boo-yeah. Muhibb (pansy) sat out b/c he sprained his ankle playing two hand touch football at UCLA . . .Later, I picked up Tiffany and Isabel to go have dinner and a movie. Tiffany got her birthday gift (Shrek2 because I'm so considerate), and we watched After the Sunset after dinner at Island's with Tiffanys friend John. Pretty good movie - if you have nothing better to do, watch it. Then we went to Starbucks where I had chai (CHAI), and then I drove them home, and tried to walk Tiffany to her door, but she said no, because her mom would get mad and think we were dating. Isabel let me walk her to her door up her ghetto driveway, but I had to anyway since I had to go to the bathroom. Got home, hung out, slept.
Woke up late again. Ten and a halfish. About 11.15, my mom is like, don't you have to shower yet? What I said: "I will soon." What I thought: "Are Alyssa and Erika worth showering for? Oh wait. Eric and Alex will be there. Better shower." Took off at about 11.55 since I run on Korean time, where you add about 15-30 min for everything. Got an impatient call from Alyssa "WHERE ARE YOU?" about 12.15. I mean, geez, you've waited four months, you think 20 minutes would kill her. FINALLY meet the whole gang, where I pat Erika on the head and get kicked in the shins. Alyssa hugs me very noncommittally, runs off to talk with her other friends. I give Eric his shirt because it's just so cool. Alex, sadly, I have nothing for. I will next time. Also there were Shereen, Louise, Sean (who left), Laura, Jon, and Chiemi. Alyssa surreptitiously puts her gift into her purse . . .saving them for later . . .but then doesn't invite me to her house. I think I'm being cheated on. Erika likes her gift, at least enough to give me a few free pats on the head (in Korean, shoh-net-tah!). I stuff myself at Cheescake 'cause those punks give you way too much food, and then hang out at BN. Alyssa and Erika, you must email me pictures. Then I get home and go shopping with my mom, pick up some pants and this cool sweatshirt, (I met Erin Miller working at at A and F!) and then have a huge dinner of San-Gyup-Sal, and play ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME for the first time in a while. I'm about to go to sleep when my best buddy Matt Burrows finally returns my Wednesday call and we watch Scarface until about 2 in the morning.
Wake up really late. REALLY late. Miss church, but that was a longshot anyway since I have a flight soon. Watch football again (how I've missed just watching sports mindlessly), fool around a little, then realize, crap, I gotta go soon. End up meeting my roommate and a floormate at the gate, and also some LC people who are now Berkeley sophomores who generously offer me the last spot in their friend's car, saving me about 4 dollars and endless hassle. Thank you Joanna and Susan! And even though you don't read this Susan, I forgive you for squirting apple spittle on me. I get to my dorm, fool around with my floormates before buying dinner, unpack, plug in my computer, and here I am. As my dad says, "Back to normal."
Whew, that went by fast. Thanks again to all the people I got to meet, and see you again for Christmas/New Year!
"Hi. Ummm. This might seem a little weird. Uhh. A friend. Is turning 18. And I'm buying him condoms as a joke. Uhh. Where are they? Do you carry them?"