Aug 03, 2008 14:23
had a ticket to Ecuador, c/o my friends. woot. looks like ill have some new posts here pretty soon. I'm a little daunted by the size of the climb and the fact that i have done zero planning for it, but im not really worried about it. sounds like i wont be able to get very deep into the culture of things down there, this being largely a climbing trip, but there will be enough time to see a little bit of the area. Monetary concerns continue unabated, but it'll work out. ill have to engage in a great deal of remote business, as i need to register for various classes and tweek my schedual a bit, but it'll all be for the best. Th crazy thing is that ill have about two days of flying and sitting around at airports both ways, with an as yet unplanned trip between airports in Florida, but who likes being well rested anyway?