Apr 07, 2004 10:47
SO we are band of the month of April according to Austin Punk Rock.org. That's cool! We just want to get into Emo's, that would be sweet...I'm getting excited about going to Cali in about 2 weeks. I fly to San Francisco on the 15 of April. It should rock! I get there around noon on a Thursday, and don't have class till Saturday. That's means I can go run around and see the sights Thursday and Friday. If anyone wants to join me by all means. I have the hotel room...I really hope I pass that certification, if not that's a lot of wasted money. A fun trip, but still wasted money. SO we have a show this weekend 4/10/04 @ the Backroom at 10:15pm ( Be There!!!)... That will be fun, we need to practice SOON!! Since some of the vocals have changed, we need to make sure that we can play the songs without confusion. The songs are crazy sick...! They sound so different from what I'm use to hearing. They have been one way for so long and know they are a tad different. But in a good way!! Can't wait to start on some new stuff...