Evil Dud?

Jan 08, 2013 04:01

The original Evil Dead films were great because they were ridiculous, scary and hilarious at the same time, and with plenty of gore. Unlike most fans of the original trilogy, I was excited about the new Evil Dead movie, even after seeing one of the characters putting a razor through their tongue, because I figured something like that would likely be in the new film, as this seems to be the unfortunate direction horror has been going in. All the fun, camp, gore and scares are being replaced by over the top shock/torture porn. Now I'm seeing some of the new images, like a character hanging with her torso being held open, and I'm losing interest. I'm just not into the whole "torture porn" sub genre of horror. There's a HUGE difference between gore and torture porn... heck I don't even really consider torture porn actual horror. Horror is supposed to be FUN!

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via ljapp, movies, horror

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