All I ever asked for was a rabbit I could show and be proud of. I had one, he was perfect, but now I lack one. Not because he died, but because he got bit at fair leaving a scar on his lip that makes the fur there white instead of brown. That I could deal with, it was a fault but he could still show.
But now he's ripped his right dewclaw out.. not only is that incredibly painful but I'm pretty sure it's a disqualification. He probably won't be able to show anymore.
But what really upsets me is that both of these things were preventable. I knew cream was aggressive yet I didn't seclude him in the cage at the end of the aisle. I put him next to two other rabbits, both of which were bitten badly. As a result my grand champion bunny became less than that day.
As far as his toenail goes, I don't clip them as often as I should, and them being long was a reason one get busted before fair, luckily it was still there, just short, but I think this one he ripped all the way out.
I could have prevented Opals death too, if I had just held her everyday and noticed how boney she was... I would have seen her withering away before my eyes.
I've failed my bunny babies
please feel free to ignore my emo journal