He's back~

Aug 03, 2009 18:59

Ryuu just arrived back from TMKD today 8D he's all refurred and nice and fuzzy now x3 they also painted the nail they missed the first time around, and it looks like they might have smoothed him out a bit too? Something else looks different, he definantly looks better though X3. I was suprised when my dad brought him in though since I talked to Gabe today and he said either tommorrow or wednsday. Also speaking of Gabe, how did you know it was me on the phone? XD just curious. Anyways here are some pictures of the new improved boy :3.


From the Front

From the left

and from the right
Compare him now to him before! old pics of him here: http://jayoen.deviantart.com/art/New-Woodbaby-122231589
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