Mar 30, 2005 09:58
[ .116. ] eminem: OKAY
[ .117. ] dog: POOP
[ .118. ] hot: SPiCY
[ .119. ] britney spears: EWW
[ .120. ] nsync: GROSS
[ .121. ] real world: AHH!! =]
[ .122. ] orange: JUiCE
[ .123. ] choice: iDK?
[ .124. ] fuck: YOU
[ .125. ] bisexual: NASTY
[ .126. ] black: GREY
[ .127. ] icq: i C U
[ .128. ] insane clown posse: EWW.. i HATE CLOWNS > OH MY GOSH. CLOWNS ARE FRiKKiN SCARY
[ .129. ] linkin park: BASEBALL PARK
[ .130. ] jack: iN THE BOX!
[ .131. ] rainbow: STARS
[ .132. ] cherry: HAiRY CHERRiES
[ .133. ] cucumber: GREEN
[ .134. ] shark: BiG.. WHiTE.. AND POiNTY TEETH
[ .135. ] lifehouse: WAT THE FRiKKiN HECK iS LiFEHOUSE > STUPiD!
[ .136. ] bat: BLACK.
[ .137. ] leather: PANTS. JACKET. SHOES. iDK
[ .138. ] whip: CREAM
[ .139. ] america: N PiE
[ .140. ] water: TASTE GOOD
[ .141. ] volcano: SCARY LAVA
[ .142. ] punk or rap: RAP
[ .143. ] punk or pop: PUNK
[ .144. ] punk or r&b: R&P
[ .145. ] punk or metal: PUNK
[ .146. ] rap or pop: RAP
[ .147. ] rap or r&b: BOTH
[ .148. ] rap or metal: RAP
[ .149. ] pop or r&b: R&B
[ .150. ] pop or metal: DiDNT YOU ASK US THiS ALREADY?!
[ .151. ] r&b or metal: R&B
[ .152. ] linkin park or limp bizkit: LiNKiN PARK
[ .153. ] tool or korn: HUH? WATS THAT..
[ .154. ] selena or jennifer lopez: SELENA
[ .155. ] hot or cold: COLD
[ .156. ] winter or summer: WiNTER.. SNOW / SUMMER.. SWiMMiNG
[ .157. ] spring or fall: SPRiNG
[ .158. ] shakira or britney: NONE
[ .159. ] icp or eminem: iCP? DONT KNO >>EMiNEM!
[ .160. ] marilyn manson or rob zombie: ROB ZOMBiES BETTER LOOKiN
[ .161. ] kittie or garbage: EHH?
[ .162. ] mtv or vh1: BOTH
[ .163. ] buffy or angel: DONT WATCH iT =/
[ .164. ] dawson's creek or gilmore girls: DONT WATCH iT =/
[ .165. ] football or basketball: BASKETBALL
[ .166. ] summer olympics or winter olympics: iDK! WHO CARES?
[ .167. ] skiing or snowboarding: W.E.
[ .168. ] rollerblading or skateboarding: ROLLERBLADiNG.. CANT SKATEBOARD FOR CRAP
[ .169. ] black or white: BLACK
[ .170. ] orange or red: RED
[ .171. ] yellow or green: YELLOW
[ .172. ] purple or pink: pPiNK
[ .173. ] slipknot or mudvayne: ...
[ .174. ] hot topic or pac sun: EHM.. BOTH
[ .175. ] inside or outside: OUTSiDE
[ .176. ] weed or alcohol: WEED
[ .177. ] cell phone or pager: CELLiE.. THERES NO PAGERS ANYMORE!
[ .178. ] pen or pencil: PEN.. PENCiL. BOTH
[ .179. ] powerpuff girls or charlie's angels: POWERPUFF GiRLS!!
[ .180. ] scooby doo or dino: SCOOBY
[ .181. ] dragon ball z or pokemon: POKEMON!
[ .182. ] star wars or star trek: STARS WARS
[ .183. ] tattoos or piercings: BOTH.. DEPENDS WHERE
[ .184. ] prep or punk: NiETHER
[ .185. ] slut or whore: UHH.. WHAT? > iM TOO COOL FOR EiTHER
[ .186. ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: NOPE
[ .187. ] do you have a crush: SORTAF
[ .188. ] do you love anyone right now: FAMILY. MYSELF.. FRiENDS. YOU KNO. THE USUAL
[ .189. ] have you ever been in love: NOPE
[ .190. ] how many people have you kissed: 1
[ .191. ] who was your first kiss: WHO CARES?
[ .192. ] how many hearts have you broken: EHM :THiNKiN: NOT SURE >> BUT i DiDNT DO iT ON PURPOSE
[ .193. ] how many people broke your heart: HMM.. LiKE 1
[ .194. ] best quote to sum up love: DUNNO..
[ .195. ] so what is your bf/gf/crush like: SMELLS GOOD.. =D
[ .197. ] please post it if you do: POST WAT?
[ .198. ] do you have a picture of yourself: YEEA
[ .199. ] please post it if you do: YEA RiGHT.. WHO WOULD WANNA PUT iT ON THERE FOR YOU? WHO MADE THiS?!
[ .200. ] do you go by looks or personality: BOTH.. i MEAN WHO JUST GOES BY PERSONALiTY.. iF THEY SAY THEY GO BY JUST PERSONALiTY > THEYRE FRiKKiN LYiN!
[ .201. ] ever kiss a friend: ON THE CHEEK... YEEA. ON ACCiDENT
[ .202. ] are you still friends: SORT OF
[ .203. ] so moving you smoke: MAYBE
[ .204. ] do you smoke weed: MAYBE
[ .205. ] ever trip on acid: WHO CARES.. NONE OF YOUR BUSiNESS
[ .206. ] how about a little x: NONYA
[ .207. ] crack, heroin, anything else: SKiP iT.. STOP ASKiN!
[ .208. ] beer good or beer bad: WAT THE FRiCK.. WATS THAT?
[ .209. ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: WHO CARES iF i AM
[ .210. ] do you like smirnoff ice: iDK
[ .211. ] prefer beer or liquor: iDK
[ .212. ] what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: iDK
[ .213. ] are you a virgin: YEEAP. YES YES YES YES YES
[ .214. ] if no, when was the last time you got some: EWW..
[ .215. ] bungee jump: YEEA
[ .216. ] sky dive: YEA.. THAT WOULD BE FUN
[ .217. ] swim with dolphins: YES!
[ .218. ] scuba dive: YEEA.. BUT NOT BY SHARKS
[ .219. ] go rock climbing: NO
[ .220. ] eat shit for $1,000,000: FRiKKiN WiERDO
[ .221. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: NO. NO NO NO. THATS STUPiD TO DO THAT
[ .222. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: NO i WOULD NEVER DO THAT
[ .223. ] cross-dress: FOR HALLOWEEN
[ .224. ] lie to the police: YEEA.. DUH! WHO WOULDNT?
[ .226. ] lie to your parents: YEEA.. iVE ALREADY DONE iT. HELLO
[ .227. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: NO. iN MY HOUSE YEA..
[ .228. ] be an exotic dancer: NOPE.
[ .229. ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: MAYBE..
[ .230. ] streak: OH STREAK NAKED.. NO!
[ .231. ] best friend: iDK.. i HAVE LOTS
[ .232. ] known longest: iDK
[ .233. ] wish you talked to more: iDK
[ .234. ] wish you saw more: iDK
[ .235. ] how many friends do you think you have: ALOT
[ .236. ] who drives you insane after a while: EVERYBODY
[ .237. ] who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: EHM.. PROLLY SYDNi
[ .238. ] ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': NOPE
[ .239. ] craziest: DEFiNETELY ME [ALYSSA]
[ .240. ] loudest: CYNTHiA
[ .241. ] shyest: ERiCA
[ .242. ] best hair: SYDNi. ALYSSA. AND. ME [NOT REALLi]
[ .243. ] can always make you laugh: SYDNi
[ .244. ] best eyes: ALYSSA..
[ .245. ] best body: iDK..
[ .246. ] most athletic: LiSA.. + MiA
[ .247. ] sex symbol: HAVE NO iDEA..
[ .248. ] hot tempered: EHM. CYNTHiA
[ .249. ] most impatient: ??
[ .250. ] shortest: ROSE
[ .251. ] tallest: YAYA
[ .252. ] talented: ?
[ .253. ] best singer: ??
[ .254. ] skinniest: SYDNi.. + ERiCA
[ .255. ] nicest: ERiCA
[ .256. ] best personality: YESENiA
[ .257. ] biggest smoker: ALBERT! + ViCTOR
[ .258. ] flashed someone: NOPE
[ .259. ] told the person you liked how you felt: NOT REALLi.. KiNDA
[ .260. ] been to michigan: NOPE
[ .261. ] gotten really REALLY wasted: NAAH..
[ .262. ] gone to jail or juvi: NOPE
[ .263. ] skateboarded: NEVER TRiED > AND DONT THiNK i WiLL
[ .264. ] skinny dipped: NOPE.. BUT WiLL!! SOMEDAY
[ .265. ] stolen anything: YEAP
[ .266. ] qotten caught stealing: NAAH.. CUZ IM JUST THAT TALENTED!
[ .267. ] kicked someone's bootay: MY BROS.. AND SOME OTHERS
[ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: YES!! THE OLD DAYS..
[ .269. ] broke a beer bottle: YEEA..
[ .270. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: DONT THiNK SOO
[ .271. ] kissed someone of the same sex: NOPE. = EWW!
[ .273. ] gone on a road trip: YEEA!! LOL
[ .274. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: NOT REALLi
[ .275. ] been to a concert: YEAP
[ .276. ] been to another country: YEAP
[ .278. ] got pulled over: YEAP
[ .279. ] gotten in a car accident: YEAP
[ .280. ] broke a law: YEEAP
[ .281. ] given money to a homeless person: ACTUALLY.. i GAVE EM A DOUGHNUT!! STRAWBERRY TO BE EXACT..
[ .282. ] tried to kill yourself: NOPE. i WOULDNT BE ABLE TO BRiNG MYSELF TO DO THAT
[ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: YEEAP
[ .284. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: NOPE
[ .285. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: NOPE
[ .286. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways: LMAO// CHEA!
[ .287. ] what do you think...about pop music: EHH.. BRiTNEY COMES TO MiND.. SO THATS NOT A GOOD THiNG
[ .288. ] about boy bands: NOT REALLY.. UNLESS iTS LiKE.. 112. B5. D12. B2K. YOU KNO.. LiKE THAT
[ .289. ] about flag burning: NO!
[ .290. ] of the war on terrorists: HMM.. THEiRS NO POiNT TO iT.
[ .291. ] about suicide: SAAD..
[ .292. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: GRR!
[ .293. ] about abortion: DONT BELiEVE iN iT.. THOUGH i CAN SEE WHY PEOPLE DO iT
[ .294. ] about rock/metal music: i PREFER PUNK..
[ .295. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: NO iDEAR
[ .296. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: HOPEFULLY EVERYBODY
[ .297. ] last birthday: POOL PARTY
[ .298. ] yesterday: SHOPPiN.. AND SPENT THE DAY WiTH ADAM
[ .299. ] last weekend: EHM.. SHOPPiN
[ .300. ] christmas: OPENED PRESENTS!
[ .301. ] summer: NEW YORK.
[ .304. ] easter: EASTER EGG HUNT! [DiDNT WiN] =/
[ .305. ] valentine's day: iCE SKATiNG.. =D
[ .306. ] thing you ate: CHOCOLATE GLAZED DOUGHNUT
[ .307. ] thing you drank: WATER
[ .308. ] thing you wore: JEANS.. AND A SHiRT
[ .309. ] place you went: SCKOOL
[ .310. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: EARS..
[ .311. ] person you saw: HAZEL + CAiTLTYN
[ .312. ] person you kissed: EHM.. REY [CHEEK]
[ .313. ] person you screwed: NO ONE!
[ .314. ] person you talked to: MOMS
[ .315. ] song you heard: ARE YOU FEELiN ME
[ .316. ] what are you eating: NOTHiN
[ .317. ] what are you drinking: WATER
[ .318. ] what are you wearing: JEANS.. BROWN TEE. AND AiR MAX
[ .319. ] any shoes on: YEAP
[ .320. ] hair: UP.. BUN
[ .321. ] listening to: LiFETiME MOViE :]
[ .322. ] talking to anyone: NOPE
[ .323. ] are you mad i made this so long: NOT REALLY
[ .324. ] are you a vegetarian: NO
[ .325. ] do you like cows: CHEEA!!
[ .326. ] are you a bitch: DONT THiNK SO
[ .327. ] are you artistic: iVE BEEN TOLD
[ .328. ] do you write poetry: NOPE
[ .329. ] are you a fast runner: KiNDA
[ .330. ] can you ski: DUNNO?
[ .331. ] are you british: NO > i WiSH!
[ .332. ] do you want to spear britney: LOL.. iT BE FUN!
[ .333. ] do the voices talk to you: A LiL
[ .334. ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: ALL THE TiME! >> HAD MY OWN SALON..
[ .335. ] would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: YEEAP.. DONT iT BEFORE.. DO iT AGAiN..
[ .336. ] do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland': i GUESS.. NEVER SEEN THE MOViE =/
[ .337. ] are you straight: YEAP > STRiCKTLY DiCKLY
[ .338. ] are you ?stupid, ?insane, and another ? YEEAP
[ .339. ] are you fat: KiNDA
[ .340. ] are you skinny: NO!
[ .341. ] are you short: NOPE
[ .342. ] are you tall: YEEAP.. OBViOUSLY!
[ .343. ] do you own a hot pink shirt: YES
[ .344. ] how about orange pants: DOES PEACH COUNT?
[ .345. ] can you see the flying monkeys: EVERYDAY!
[ .346. ] are you evil: SOMETiMES..
[ .347. ] did you ever know someone who had a mullet: THiNK SO
[ .348. ] is britney a whore: YESSiR
[ .349. ] are you a teenage zombie: DONT THiNK SO
[ .350. ] am i annoying you: NAAH
[ .351. ] do you like marilyn manson: HES KiNDA COOL LOOKiN
[ .352. ] are you secretly from another planet: NOT ANOTHER PLANET.. JUST THE MOON ;]
[ .353. ] did you ever touch someone else's private parts: EHM.. DONT THiNK SO. LOL >> ODD QUESTiON
[ .354. ] do you shop at hot topic: ALL THE TiME.
[ .355. ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: A PRETTY FROGGiE
[ .356. ] if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: CANT CHOOSE JUST ONE THiNG. iTS iMPOSSiBLE
[ .357. ] do you remember any of your dreams: YEEA.. SOME
[ .358. ] do you dream in color or black and white: i THiNK iN COLOR
[ .359. ] do you admit when you need help with a problem: SOMETiMES
[ .360. ] can people read you like a book: DONT THiNK SO
[ .361. ] what's your biggest fear: DEATH. BOREDOM. SPiDERS. LONLiNESS
[ .362. ] do you talk a lot: WHEN i WANT TO
[ .363. ] are you afraid of clowns: KiNDA
[ .364. ] do you like spiders: NO
[ .365. ] how about grape kool-aid: KOOLAiD.. JUST NOT GRAPE
[ .366. ] can you drive: NOPE.
[ .367. ] are you spoiled: NO
[ .368. ] are you anti-social: OTHER PEOPLE WOULD PROBABLY SAY SO
[ .369. ] do you see dumb people: YEEA.. MY BRO!
[ .370. ] do you see dead people: ALL THE TiME!
[ .371. ] any last words: BYE!
[ .372. ] now that this is over, what are you going to do: FiNiSH WATCHiN THiS MOViE
[ .373. ] time?: DUNNO