It's okay. I promised I would make this. By 'promised' I meant 'joked' and by 'make this' I meant 'I was a little tipsy'. Oh WELL. Hayden, this goes out to you.
Although I should have really spent that time slapping myself about the head briefly but violently (works, step off) and then making myself read, which is really hard this week for some reason. My mind's not in it. I think my heart is. Sort of. Contract Law went so-so. I don't ever feel confident writing about legal matters. Which is odd, because I have no issue with weighing up matters of life and death in an English essay, or worse, an album review. Anyway I don't know what it was that made me come away iffy. I think it's a matter of not feeling like I was totally on the right track, but a tiny bit of beer and a tiny bit of pool helped to put a band-aid over thinking about it for a while. Next exam - Saturday. I'm gonna have to keep out of the house, cos I don't get much work done here.
Also. Starting Monday the 27th of November, I'm promoted. On 95bfm, that is. I'll be on at 7-9pm every other Monday evening, and all those people who I've ever discussed being on the radio with for the purposes of small talk have a moral IMPERATIVE to finally listen to me. Alternating with Phil Armstrong, who I haven't actually met but seems to have a cool playlist.
The dumb aspect of this is that it's me, alone. I was feeling absolutely shit about this all last week, but I think I feel better now knowing that James (and Soong) can expect great things sometime soooonish (so I've been told). So Soong, if you're reading this, high-five! Anyway, I can handle a show by myself skill-set wise, I just wanted to be sure the rising tide would lift all boats. If you catch my drift.
Chris Guzzwell, who I'm replacing, is AWESOME. Like, the best dude. I basically walked in and he was incredibly friendly and I wanted to fall bawling and be like 'I feel like such a fucking USURPER', and I actually sort of did, but he took it with good grace. Everyone who wants to hear what a good DJ talking about music and why he likes music, which is what we all want, face it, should listen to his final show on Monday the 13th this month. I'm really glad I'm not going into a vacuum, all things said. Also an interesting guy to talk to about, y'know, your life (I figure he's at the very end of his twenties and I'm at the very start of mine) - so it got me thinking about a little bit of stuff. But not a lot, because I did that this time last year. AND WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT TURNED OUT.
Okay, actually. But drama of sorts at the time! Ridiculous.