Oh hey it's a human piece of shit

Sep 03, 2006 02:14

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sadly, these aren't desperate times, so we all go get haircuts instead.

What the hell? I decided I needed a change. I don't have the time to supervise an unruly mop of curls, and I got annoyed, because hairdressers continually managed to get it wrong, cutting the sides abruptly while leaving the better part of a mullet to bloom somewhere at the back. I have an aversion to scissors or razors plunging into the back of my neck so I was never going to cut that shit myself, so until now I was listless from the scalp up. It's funny, because since Tuesday's haircut, cutting myself doesn't seem like such a terrible idea. I mean, how do I know if I still feel or not otherwise? In other words = Amnesty Internal is go. Emo a go-go.

Three hours of straightening and vaguely carcinogenic chemicals and a judicious snip or two later:


They don't understand my photography.

I haven't looked up at the stars since the day Dad skipped town. To buy me a new cellphone.


Thaaaat's more like it.

~~**xxLUV WIL TERR uS APaRT AGAInxx**~~

@~~d~~xXI wAnt A LOvR I DONt hav 2 LovEXx~~*<3

I am more than likely going to hell. This is one of those things you can't even joke about.

On that note, I've decided to form an indie pop/death metal band when AI doesn't work out. I'm hoping to meld twee songs about mystical animals to the brutal sounds of Slayer. I believe I'll call it The Unicaust.

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