Dinner with my Lola

Jan 31, 2007 19:19

I came home from school and she asked if I had dinner. I had a Quizznos sandwhich earlier, and wasn't feeling hungry, but I thought that maybe she was just waiting for someone to eat with so I said, "I'm starving Lola."

My granny doesn't like to stay still. She's a worker. Sometimes I yell at her, to put the broom down so she could relax, but she has been a hard worker all her life, it's difficult for her to do nothing. It's not something she can switch off.

So me and Lola sit down over a plate of rice and a fish dish she made. It's sauce it tomato based and the fish itself is too salty, for my taste. I eat slow and play with my food.

Communication is sometimes difficult. I suck at tagalog, she sucks at English. We use a lot of hand gestures. But sometimes I pull off the native tongue and she tells me about seeing a relative on filipino news. I found out that I actually have a cousin in politics. He is a newly elected mayor, replacing the previous one who was a bit of a crook. Hopefully he's not a crook and is a decent, good man. He has a daughter name Janine too! Wow, another Janine! Janine Austria is her name...Like the counry where Arnold Schwarzeneggeris from! Sorry, I'm rambling and using a lot of exclamation points. Anyway, she told me that I was a weird child. Not weird, in a creepy sense but I would have these "crying spells" that would lasts forever. She would get scared because she didn't think I wasn't breathing enough. Which is probably why I'm small today. Does the lack of oxygen in the brain result to short stature status? Highly unlikely but yeah, I guess I was just malnourished, seeing as though the other siblings are quite normal size. Or maybe I just didn't fight for food hard enough. i swear, we're like savages. I miss everyone being together. I think last year, we were all still under the same roof. Sure Mike and MIsh were always coming and going, but I still saw them on a regular basis. It's crazy how much has changed; within my family, friends and myself. Life is funny no? I wonder where I'll be next year. Omgah, I would be done with school. I could be living somewhere foreign, I could be in love, I could be alone, I could be the same. I don't know. The unknown excites me.
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