Jan 21, 2006 17:39
Last night I rung in my 19th year at a club called White Star. My older sister wanted to take me out so I let her. I didn't even know where the hell we were going till we arrived. Kathy drove and Lilly came too and we laughed the whole freakn time. Everytime a guy or even two guys would approach Lilly and I, she would laugh in their faces so loud and I would hear it and laugh so hard too! OMG! I even got Desirie out on the dance floor (after a a drink or two of course) That's the only way I can dance in public. So as we're walking up the steps Lilly see's a flyer that read "Tonight POLISH night and starts high pitched laughing over and over...it was so embarrassing but hilarious. We brought about 20 people out on the dance floor...that techno is so funny! I can't stand it but of course I was dancing funny. Then this morning I woke up and Anna said she wanted to go get me a present so we drove around aimlessly listening to jeff's Mix...Anna loves it more than me now!!!!! We went everywhere and finally I got something from incognito...then we got ray ray...lol. My family and a few friends...the ones that are home...are coming for dinner. I wonder if Ashley Macka would be able to come onthis short of notice...she's always too busy ...(i'm calling her right now!) Now I have to go up stairs and see everyone...I can't wait to blow out my candles!