Waterloo Bridge: Part 5

Nov 23, 2006 23:53

Title: Just Five Minutes More...
Series Title: Waterloo Bridge
Author: jayneswoman
Rating: PG13
Fandom: Characters from Firefly in an AU 'verse
Word Count: 2673
Summary: Jayne and River meet in War-Torn London of the 1940’s
Warning: Full of Rayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy this non-canon pairing in a non-Firefly setting.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!! I make no profit from this.

Thanks to bookaddict43 for beta-ing!

Dedicated to lady_cleo2001, whose Rayne fanfics inspired me.

All chapters can be found here.


Thank you guinny_hamilton for making me this lovely banner!

I have included a glossary of British war-time slang at the end of the story. (Please let me know if there are other words that you don't understand, and I will amend the entry to include those too.) There are also mouse roll-over quick definitions.


London: during the Blitz (Autumn 1942)

The Candlelight Club was the kind of establishment where young men like Drew took their sweethearts for a little time alone together. There was a bar, some light refreshments, and the patrons could dance to music played by the orchestra.

Perhaps the thing that lured young men to frequent this particular establishment rather than any other was something they called the Farewell Waltz. And this was something that River was going to experience very soon.

As the Maitre D’ guided them across the room, Drew kept his hand resting possessively in the small of River’s back. He seated them at a table overlooking the dance floor.

They ordered drinks, and sipped them whilst waiting for the band to start playing.

“You know you don’t need to feel intimidated, even though you’re an amateur dancing with a professional.” River teased.

His eyes twinkled at her attempt to provoke him. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I won’t,” he retaliated, “I’ll have ya know I won the Culpeper County Dance Marathon two years running,” he proudly announced.

“Dance Marathon,” River looked puzzled, “What’s that?”

“Ya know, where there’s a competition to see who can dance continuously fer the longest.”

“And you won?”

“Me an’ Mary Sue danced fer twenty-five hours solid.”

“Non stop?” River couldn’t believe it.

“With only the regular refreshment and bathroom breaks.”

“How often are those?”

“Depends. We had fifteen minutes to rest, eat and drink every hour.”

“And you did that for twenty-five hours?” River was impressed.

“Twenty-six hours, with an hour for sleep after twenty hours.”

“Even so…”

“So ya ain’t the only one who has stamina,” Drew boasted.

River giggled.

“What is it?” Drew asked. “Spit it out.”

River blushed and kept looking away.

“Why River Tam, are you thinkin’ what I think yer thinkin’?”

“Just don’t say anything, or I’ll start giggling.”

“Ya got a smutty mind.”

River looked up and grinned when she heard the admiration in his tone. “You don’t mind?”

“Why would I mind?” he asked, genuinely confused. “I like a woman who admits she’s looking for a strong man, with plenty o’ stamina.”

At that, River burst into another fit of giggles.

“If push comes to shove, I can keep goin’ all night long.”

River playfully slapped his arm. “Stop, Drew!”

Drew knew that he wanted to be the one to make her laugh like that for the rest of their lives.

She was just getting her giggles back under control when the band began to play.

“Ya wanna dance?” Drew asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

“I’d love to, kind Sir,” she responded eagerly.

He led her out onto the dance floor, and pulled her close, his fingers at her back lightly brushing the bare skin exposed by her off the shoulder dress. She shivered in response at the lightest of touches.

“Ya cold?”

River smiled at his concern at her wellbeing and shook her head. Drew grinned as he realised the reason why she shivered.

He danced well, leading her expertly, but he had his boots on, and she was nervous of him treading on her toes. He caught a toe with the edge of his boot. She hissed in response.


“Those toes are my livelihood, I’ll have you know,” she joked. “Can you try not to break them?”

“Step up on my boots,” Drew suggested. “They’re tough, so ya won’t hurt my feet none. An’ then I can’t hurt yers.”

So River danced standing on Drew’s boots. It was strange to be standing so close to him, but enjoyable all the same. She could feel his breath against her neck, and the firm muscles of his legs and torso as they brushed against hers. She felt the muscles in his arms flex as they pulled her closer for the more intimate numbers.

They sat back down, to have a drink and catch their breath.

Finally, the ‘Farewell Waltz’ was called, and Drew led River back onto the dance floor with a grin.

“The waltz is my best dance. I promise I won’t step on ya toes.”

River was pleasantly surprised. He wasn’t exaggerating. He really was good. She relaxed into the sensation of being swept off her feet by the continual turning of an expert waltzer.

As the dance continued, River noticed the candlelight that the orchestra played by was gradually being extinguished, as each instrument stopped playing in turn. Soon there was one lone violin still playing, and when that candle was extinguished too, Drew was holding River so close that she could feel his breath warm across her face.

Gently he bent his head, capturing River’s lips with his. At first she was caught by surprise, but Drew’s lips were so warm and inviting that she soon began to kiss him back. Achingly slowly at first, she pressed her lips back against his, her breath catching when he teased her lips apart, crushing his open mouth against hers. It was such a sensual, open-mouthed kiss, full of passion and longing, but Drew knew what he was doing as he slowly eased his head back, making River move towards him to continue the kiss.

She could feel his grin as she captured his lips again, realising her body was pressed right up against his. His hand rested in the small of her back, holding her flush against him, and she could feel the firm muscles of his chest and stomach rippling in response to her soft curves pressed so close against him. Teasingly he lowered his lips to her neck, sucking gently at tender spot where he could feel her pulse beat. He could feel her try to stifle a gasp of pleasure. He held her tight as the lights came back on. She was shivering.

“Are you okay, River darlin’?” he whispered.

She could feel his breath warm against her neck, and shivering once more with desire, she nodded.

Drew eased back so he could see the expression in her face. He saw the same desire he felt mirrored in her chocolate brown eyes.

Slowly he bent down and pressed another tender kiss to her soft lips and River surrendered herself to the warmth of his embrace.

“Time ta take ya home,” he whispered as he pulled back.

She nodded, lowering her eyes, so he couldn’t see the tears welling up in them.

After collecting their coats, he led her outside and into a waiting taxi.

River was strangely quiet. She tried to hide the tears she felt rising up inside, but Drew wasn’t fooled. He gently hooked a finger under her chin, forcing her to look into his clear blue eyes.

She could no longer stop the tears from falling.

He held her close, whispering, “Hush, River. I’ll come back. Don’t you fret.”

“B..B..But you can’t be s..s..sure,” River whispered through the tears.

“Don’t cry over somethin’ that ain’t happened yet,” he joked, trying to soothe her.

“Oh, Drew,” she sobbed into his jacket.

He held her tight, rubbing soothing little circles on her back. “We’ll write, and I’ll be back before you know it,” Drew promised.


Drew walked up the stairs to River’s flat, mentally steeling himself to say goodbye to her.

When they got to the door, River’s hands shook as she took out her key.

Drew leaned out and rested his hand of hers. “Here, let me,” he whispered against her hair. Taking her key, he unlocked the door and pushed it open.

River dragged him inside, and pulled him close. “Don’t go,” she whispered.

“I gotta go, River,” Drew growled with desire for this woman, “Ya know that. But if I could, I’d never leave ya side.”

“Oh, Drew,” she sighed, holding him tighter.

“My train leaves Kings Cross at Midnight.” Drew looked at his watch, “It’s eleven now.”

“Let me come and see you off…”

Drew looked into her eyes, “Ya sure ya want to say good bye in public?”

River shook her head, “But I want to be there to wave you goodbye.”

“It’ll be a memory I’ll treasure, to remind what I’m fightin’ fer, an’ what I’m comin’ back to.”

River nodded. “But we can say good bye properly here first.”

Drew grinned, puling her closer, “We sure can.”

He bent down to kiss her again, with all the passion he felt inside. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and pressing her body against his. They melted into each another, both wanting to lose themselves in the kiss.

They broke apart when they heard someone clearing their throat across the room.

River blushed and hid her face against his chest as Drew looked over at Phoebe, who was preparing something in the kitchen. “Hey there, Phoebe.”

“Hello Jayne,” she answered.

River cringed; she could hear the laughter in her flatmate’s voice. “So, take it you’ve had a good evening?”

“Very good,” Drew answered with a grin, “but I gotta leave tonight. I’ve been ordered to report fer duty at 7am tomorrow mornin’.”

“Oh, River, I’m sorry.” Phoebe crossed the room and gave River a big hug.

“Thanks,” she whispered. “You may need to pick up the pieces when I come back from waving Drew off.”

“I’ll be here, sweetie.”

River looked into Drew’s clear blue eyes. She stroked his cheek and reached up to kiss him. He drew her close, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on like she’d never let him go.

“We should go, River honey,” he whispered into her hair.

She nodded, and he led her to the door.

“See you later, River. Chin up!” Phoebe called out after them.


Drew held River’s hand tight as they walked into Kings Cross Station, trying to give her some of his strength. They walked in silence, each of them preparing to say goodbye, even though it was the last thing that either of them wanted to do.

The station was thronging with people, so Drew let go of her hand, instead wrapping his arm round her shoulders and protectively drawing her to him.

River gasped at the push and shove of the crowd, and instinctively pressed her hand against Drew’s chest to gain her balance. He smiled at her touch, lifting her hand in his and pressing it to his lips. She smiled weakly back.

They found the platform where his train was waiting. It was a little less crowded, so they chose this spot for their farewells.

“River, honey, ya know I don’t want this ta be goodbye,” Drew began, holding her in the circle of his arms, and gently reaching up to caress her jaw.

“I don’t want this to be goodbye either,” she told him earnestly.

“So you’ll write me?” he asked, his heart clearly on his sleeve.

River looked at little confused. “I’ll write to you,” she told him as she adjusted his tie, making sure his uniform was perfect, “when you give me your address.”

She smoothed her hands across his jacket and looked up into his eyes, wanting to remember every aspect of this moment.

“I’ll send ya the address with ma first letter,” he told her with a grin; enjoying the little attentions she was giving him.

Another airman wolf-whistled as he passed them and Drew glared at him. “Cut it out, Katchowski!” he growled. “I’m saying goodbye ta my girl.”

“I’m your girl?” River asked.

“If ya want ta be…” Drew replied.

“Oh, I want to be,” she whispered.

“An’ I’ve wanted ya since the first time I met ya.”

River blushed, “Oh Drew!”

Drew bent down and captured her lips with his. His kiss was achingly tender, and River ran her fingers slowly up the sleeves of his jacket and into his hair, pulling him closer. As the kiss continued, Drew brought his hands up to cup her face, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb, and then delving his fingers into her silky soft hair.

They paused for a breath and just stared at one another, Drew’s hands still in the hair on the back of her neck. “You’ll wait fer me?” Drew asked.

River nodded. “As long as it takes.”

“Ya know I wanna make ya mine?”

River’s eyes grew wide, “You mean..?”

Drew nodded. “I wanna get ya away from all this…” he nodded towards the city around them, “and somewhere safe.”


“I want ya to go live with ma parents.”

“Without you?!” River looked horrified.

“I’d join ya as soon as I can…”

“But I couldn’t go half way across the world…”

“You’d love it.” he grinned.

“Without being married? My brother would never let me…”

“Who said anythin’ ‘bout not being married? Married’s exactly what you’d hafta be - ta me!”

River was dumb struck. Her jaw hung open.

Drew laughed a deep belly laugh. “You’ll catch flies.” he teased.

She shut her mouth and playfully swatted his arm.

Drew pulled her into a warm embrace, whispering, “Jus’ wanted ta let ya know how much ya mean ta me, an’ what plans I have fer our future. Don’ want some other fly boy comin’ along an’ sweeping ya off yer feet, jus’ cause I ain’t got the time ta do this properly.”

“So is this a proposal?”

“Baby, when I propose ya won’t need ta ask,” he told her with a grin. “I guess this is just a promise that I’m gonna ask ya, as soon as I can.”

“Oh, Drew!”

“River, darlin’…” he pulled her into another passionate kiss.

Another group of airmen came past them. “Hey there, boss!” one of them called out, tapping Drew on the shoulder.

“D’ya mind?” Drew growled in mock irritation, “I’m saying goodbye ta my girl.”

“She’s a doll...”

“…a dish…”

“…a cutie patootie…”

“… a real English Rose…”

They each called out in turn. River blushed and laughed at their comments.

“Hands off, boys. She’s mine,” he told them possessively.

Drew’s crew wolf-whistled and cheered around them as River reached a hand to caress his stubbled jaw, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. That was the last thing she did to control that kiss, as Drew kissed back, pulling her flush against him, and showing her exactly how much he desired her. When they broke apart, River was blushing furiously.

A signal man walked along the platform, telling everyone to get on board who was going aboard, because the train was about to leave.

Drew kissed River gently. “I’ll write,” he promised.

“You’d better,” River teased.

The airmen climbed on board, and Drew lowered the window to say goodbye one last time. “Don’t ya forget me, honey,” he teased.

“I couldn’t, if I tried,” she teased back.

Drew leant down and kissed her one last time. “I love you.”

River smiled, her eyes filling with tears as the train began to move, pulling their hands apart. “I love you too,” she whispered, lifting up her hand to wave him off.

The last thing he saw was his girl, standing on the platform, waving him goodbye. It was a memory that he would treasure for the rest of the war, no the rest of his life.

When the train had disappeared from view, River walked slowly back down the platform, suddenly feeling so lost and alone, and tears quickly filled her eyes. What was she going to do without Drew, well, just being there? He was such a vital presence. She was just realising what a huge gap he would leave now he was gone. She had just got used to him being around.

She gasped as she felt two pairs of arms hug her tight.

“We couldn’t let you go through this alone,” explained Maria.

“We just had to be here, so you have someone who’s shoulder…” Phoebe began.

“…shoulders….” Maria corrected.

“…you can cry on.” Phoebe finished.

River sighed and sobbed, and together they became one very soggy mess.


To be continued…

Next Chapter: Six Of One and Half a Dozen Of The Other

Glossary of British War-time slang

*blitz = Nazi bombing raids on London, causing widespread death and destruction

*tube = the underground train network in London

*flat = an apartment

*frock = a dress

*Kings Cross Station = one of the main train stations in London, leading to the east of the country

*fly boy = slang for a US airman

*doll / dish / cutie patootie = US slang for a pretty woman

*English rose = slang for a beautiful English woman

*rationing = system of giving everyone an equal share of certain hard to get items.

Before the Second world war Britain was receiving much of its foodstuffs from abroad, items such as bananas which couldn't be grown in Britain, and many other foods. During the war the ships were needed for the war supplies, and absolute essentials, so basic foods were rationed, and many luxury foods were simply unavailable.

Rationed foods included: bacon, butter, sugar, meat, jam, biscuits, fish, tea, breakfast cereals, cheese, eggs, milk, tinned tomatoes, peas, dried fruit and rice.

See www.rationbook.co.uk for more information.

river, london, rayne, war time romance, waterloo bridge, jayne

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