First Impressions: Part 5

Oct 23, 2006 15:56

Title: Getting Serious
Series Title: First Impressions
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1213
Summary: Jayne and Kaylee
Warning: Full of Jaylee goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy this non-canon pairing.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43  for betaing.

Find previous chapters here.


Thanks to bookishtype  for making this shiny banner.


Getting Serious

Jayne gasped as Kaylee stripped down to her undies and bra. They were black an’ lacy, an’ all kinds of sexy. He smoothed his hands around the bare skin at her waist, pulling her close.

“What’cha doin’, Kaylee girl?” he started to suck on her neck, “Thought cha din’t wanna start sexin’ tonight.”

She coloured realising what she’d done. “I’m sorry, Jayne, I wasn’t thinkin’.”

“Damn straight, you weren’t. What am I supposed ta do now I got a look at ya like this?”

Kaylee slipped on a silk robe and went behind her dressing screen. “Can ya pass me ma night clothes? I got them under ma pillow?”

Jayne looked and found two items of clothing covered in teddy bears: a vest and panties. “Is this all you wear ta bed?” he asked passing them over the top of the screen.

“Uh huh,” she replied, “Why, what do you wear?”

“Usually, nothin’, but I’m plannin’ on wearin’ a little more with ya, tonight anyways…”

Jayne just stared and shook his head when Kaylee came out from behind the screen.

“I can’t sleep with ya dressed like that and keep my hands offa ya.”

“Who says I want ya ta keep ya hands offa me?”

“I mean, when I touch ya I’m gonna want ta sex ya, dressed like that. Kaylee, bao-bei, please can ya put somethin’ else on?”

"Darlin’, it’s a compliment.” Jayne wiped away the tears that welled up in her eyes and bent to kiss her lips. Kaylee wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back with all the passion in her. When they broke apart, she knew he was right.

“I got a pair o’ shorts. Gimmie ya t-shirt an’ I’ll get changed.”

When she went behind the screen again, Jayne sat down to take off his boots.

Kaylee came back out as he was taking off his pants. “Is this better?” she asked, holding up her hands.

He stood up wearing just a pair of black boxers. “Xie-xie, Kaylee. I wouldn’ta been able ta keep my hands offa ya.”

“I’m thinkin’ that I may have the same problem,” she returned, running her fingers over his bare chest.

“Ya send me out, I ain’t comin’ back.”

“Come ‘ere,” Kaylee threw her arms around his chest, enjoying the feeling of his arms and body surrounding her with warmth and love.



Jayne started awake. The ship simulated day and night from the core planets and dawn was just breaking. What’s the time, he thought, looking over to his clock. He saw a pink display, and realised where he was: Kaylee’s bunk. It was still only 4.30. Plenty of time to enjoy holding this woman in his arms before he needed ta jump in the shower and take over Mal on the bridge.

Kaylee sighed and snuggled closer, nuzzling into his chest, sending shivers through him as he felt her warm breath on his skin. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. Jayne closed his eyes as he breathed in the scent of strawberries in her hair. Must be that fancy soap she uses, he smiled.

She stirred again, and lifted her head from his chest. “MMmmm?” was all she said, a smile spread all over her face. “Jayne,” she purred, snuggling up against him again.

“Kaylee,” her name rumbled from deep in his chest. She giggled as she felt the sound rumble through her body; it sent chills all over her.

“What’s the time?”

“S’only 4.30. Still plenty o’ time before I need ta go ta the bridge.”

“Good,” she sighed.

“Hey, don’t go to sleep.”

“I’m so sleepy…”

“I’ll keep ya awake,” Jayne grinned.

Kaylee opened one eye, “How?”

He turned on his side and pressed her against him with a hand in the small of her back. Bending his head he nuzzled her neck, pressing kisses along her throat and across her face until he reached her lips. Kaylee responded hungrily, running her hands up and down his chest and back, and along his arms. Their kisses grew more passionate as Jayne ran his hands under the t-shirt she had borrowed from him. He caressed her belly and breasts, giving her shivers all over her body.

“Are ya cold, bao-bei?”

“Uh uh,” Kaylee shook her head, “I’m definitely gettin’ warmer.”

Jayne lifted the t-shirt over her head and threw it on the floor, pulling her against his chest, enjoying the feeling of skin on skin. He nuzzled her neck, moving down to kiss every inch of skin until he reached her breasts. He blew against them and grinned as her nipples pebbled.

Kaylee was getting as turned on as Jayne was. He rubbed his lips across the nipple of one breast and caressed the other with his fingers, his other hand caressed the small of her back as he moved to the other breast.

Soon Jayne was pressing open-mouth kissed across both breasts, sucking and licking her skin in a way that gave her so much pleasure. The combination of his rough stubble and soft, warm lips and tongue made Kaylee melt to her very core. Ai ya, he was a talented lover. He sure knew how to please a woman. She could stay with him like this all day and all night.

Jayne’s hands slid down to her waist as he blew in her belly button, sending her into fits of giggles.

“Shhh,” he whispered, covering her mouth with kisses so her screams could not be heard across the boat. She held her breath as he went back to kissing her belly, gradually moving down to the waist of her shorts. He pulled them lower on her hips and saw a glimpse of black lace.

Jayne looked up and grinned, “Ya put ya black panties back on.”

“Uh huh,” she nodded.

“Can I take ya shorts off?”

“Don’t think we’ve got time ta get sexed before ya hafta get ta the bridge…”

Jayne groaned with desire, the vibrations sending more waves of pleasure down to her nethers. “I’ll be waitin’ when ya get back,” Kaylee whispered.

“Everyone will be awake. Won’t be able ta get here without people seein’.”

“Oh, Jayne,” she sighed, “Perhaps it’s fer the best. Cap’n don’t want us ta be together.”

“I ain’t gonna give up on ya, Kaylee girl. Gonna keep flirtin’ with ya, an’ teasin ya until ya let me show ya how real men go ‘bout sexin’ the woman they love.”

“Love?” Kaylee practically squealed.

Jayne blushed, “I mean like, uh, care about. Not love, it’s too soon fer love.”

“Oh Jayne,” she sighed, “If ya keep sayin’ things like that ta me, ya may well find a place in ma bed, real regular-like.”

“That’s all I’m axing fer, a chance ta win ya heart, ya affections.”

“As long as it ain’t just ta get into ma panties,” she joked.

“Well, I can’t say that ain’t a consideration,” he smirked, pressing a warm, tender kiss to her lips. “I’d better go or else Mal will come lookin’ fer me, an’ if he finds me here, there’ll be hell ta pay.”

“Jayne!” Mal’s voice bellowed across the ship, “Where the di yu are ya? It’s a quarter after and I should be in my bed.”


To be continued…

Next Chapter: Reprieve (Coming soon)

first impressions, kaylee/jayne, kaylee, jaylee, jayne

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