Firefly - Prompt 04: Coffee - It's Better to Give Than to Receive

Oct 02, 2006 13:28

Title: It’s Better to Give than to Receive
Author: Jayneswoman
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 004. Coffee *
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Full of Jayleeness.
Word Count: 720
Author’s Notes: Jayne shares another treat with Kaylee.

Prompt table 1 from

Previous Chapters Here


Kaylee stretched slowly, letting the sheet slip from her naked body. Reaching across the bed to snuggle up with Jayne, all she found was and empty (but warm) space.

Cuddling the pillow, she breathed in the scent of her man, closing her eyes and grinning like a Cheshire Cat as she remembered the events of last night….


Jayne woke early, as always, and crept out of bed grabbing one of the packets he had bought planetside.

Slipping on pants and a t-shirt, he made his way to the galley to prepare Kaylee the first of the treats he had planned.

Realising the smell would permeate the boat and still be lingering when the rest of the crew came for breakfast, he made enough for everyone.

He loaded up a tray with goodies and went back to their bunk…


Kaylee heard the bunk door open, and the most amazing smell wafted down into the bunk. Breathing deep, she savoured the delicious aroma.

“Hmmmmm!” she sighed. “Ya brought me breakfast?”

“Sure did,” answered Jayne. “Breakfast in bed fer my bao-bei.”

“Thanks, honey!” she cooed, pressing a sleepy kiss to his eager lips as he sat down beside her.

“Ain’t no one ever called me that!” Jayne looked sheepish.

Kaylee blushed at the phrase that slipped out so naturally. “Well, yer so sweet fer makin’ me breakfast in bed.”

“Ya welcome,” he murmured against her hair.

“What’cha got me?”

“Fresh ground coffee, some a that bread ya made yesterday with some a that butter I bought ya.”

“Real coffee!” Kaylee squealed.

“Only the best fer ma girl.”

At that Kaylee flung her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

What could Jayne do? He held her close and kissed her right back, pulling her into his lap.


Jayne gently prised her away. “Ya wanna let this good breakfast go cold?”

Kaylee shook her head, taking the cup of coffee Jayne passed her and biting into a slice of fresh bread and butter.

What a treat! Real coffee, real butter and real bread. None of this protein go se they were used to eating, Kaylee thought to herself.

Jayne leaned back and grinned as he watched his girl enjoy the treat he’d prepared. He slowly sipped his coffee and watched her devour every bite and morsel. Ai ya! How she was enjoying that food. It gave a man ideas, the way she let the food linger at her lips, and the groans she made over the taste. And the way she kept lickin’ her lips….

“Hey, them ain’t kosherised rules.”

“Don’t know what ya talkin’ ‘bout, Jayne Cobb,” Kaylee answered all wide-eyed innocence.

“Yes, ya ruttin’ well do. Givin’ a man ideas by eatin’ ya food like it’s the most swai man ya ever laid eyes on…”

“Ya want me ta eat ya up like that?”

“Hell, yes!”

“Right now?” she teased.

“Ain’t never bin a man ta say no…”

“Good.” Kaylee crawled across the bed like a wild cat stalking its prey.

“… but the coffee. Be shame ta waste it.”

Kaylee swatted his arm playfully. “Jayne Cobb, here I am tryin’ ta seduce ya….”

“And ya so cute when ya do…”

“Cute! I’m supposed ta be seductive, sexy, irresistible.”

“Ya are, bao-bei.”

“Seems ta me the only thing that’s irresistible is that coffee.”

“Kaylee honey, ya know ya the only woman in the world fer me.”

“Is that right?” she crossed her arms indignantly (difficult to do whist you are naked). “Tell that ta all the whores in all the brothels ya ever visited.”

Jayne slowly brushed her hair off one creamy bare shoulder and gently kissed her there. He pressed kiss after kiss on her bare skin, travelling from her shoulder to the ticklish spot just behind her ear.

She giggled, “Jayne!”

“Yes, bao-bei?”

“Have I told ya how much I enjoyed this here breakfast ya made me?”

Jayne slowly shook his head, a grin slowly creeping across his face as he realised what she was doing.

“Well, come ‘ere an’ let me show ya how much.” She beckoned him over with a crooked finger.

Shepherd Book always said it was better ta give than ta receive. I reckon he wasn’t wrong there, but I bet this ain’t ‘zactly the circumstance he was thinkin’ of when he tole me that....

To be continued...

Next Chapter: Coming soon

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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