Win Hands Down

Sep 25, 2006 17:46

Title: Win Hands Down
Author: Jayneswoman
Characters: Jayne/Kaylee
Rating: NC17 - It's strip tall card, so what else?
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Word Count: 981
Warnings: Full of Jayleeness. But not explicit. Just flirty fun!
Author’s Notes: Kaylee joins in a card game to take her mind off her problems.
Prompt: Win Hands Down (Jayne/Kaylee) for
ana_grrl's Back To Firefly ficathon.

Not beta-ed. So all mistakes are mine.

Kaylee sighed as she left the engine room. Her mind was occupied with a problem she just couldn’t work out.

In the end all she could think of was to walk away and distract herself until the answer came.

Approaching the galley she found the perfect distraction, a late night tall card game.

“Is this a boys-only game or can anyone join in?” she asked.

“Stakes are kinda high, lil Kaylee,” warned Mal.

But she wouldn’t be put off.

She pulled out a seat next to Jayne and sat down. She felt the eyes of every player on her. Looking round she asked, “What are they, then?”

“Huh?” Jayne asked, not understanding.

“The stakes?”

“Oh! Chores. Just bet a weeks Septic Vac duty,” Jayne told her with a grin.

Kaylee put on her best tall card face as she told him, “Deal me in with the next hand.”

She watched Book and Mal fold, Wash bet a weeks Dishes and Simon bet a weeks Garbage duty. Jayne, Wash and Simon all showed their hands, and looked up in amazement as they realised Jayne had won.

Jayne chuckled as he gathered his winnings.

One by one the other players left.

“Too rich for me, Jayne,” Book declared as he left the table.

Jayne turned to Kaylee. “Guess it’s just you an’ me, lil Kaylee. You in?”

She nodded.

He dealt a hand and just as the first bet was to be made, Kaylee suggested a change of rules. “How about clothes rather than chores?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Ya mean play strip tall card?” Jayne flirted back.

She nodded again.

“Hell, I’m game,” he said, a grin spreading across his face.

The first couple of rounds Jayne won easily. Kaylee removed her shoes, exposing her feet which Jayne found strangely erotic. He was usually an ass and breasts man himself. Then she removed her hair tie, leaving her hair lose around her shoulders.

Kaylee kept eye contact with him the whole time, daring him to look away. Jayne could only imagine how she’d look, wriggling out of her top, or shucking out of her overalls. Yes, he was going to enjoy winning this, hands down.

Kaylee fought back a grin as she easily won the third, fourth and fifth rounds. She had lulled Jayne into a false sense of security, pretended to be bad at cards, letting Jayne think she could get her down to her underwear (or more), before she whupped his ass. It wasn’t for no reason that she was known as the tall card queen of her home town, and strip tall card was what she was known for winning every time, with her opponents stripped practically naked at the end of every game. Yes, Kaylee was really looking forward to winning this, hands down.

Jayne removed his shoes the first round he lost, taking his lead from Kaylee. Then his wrist bands when Kaylee beat him next. He was practically scowling when he lost again and shucked out of his tshirt.

Kaylee couldn’t tear her eyes away from the muscles of his chest and arms. She stared, following the hair from his pecs down to the waistband of his combat pants. One more win and he’s be down to his underwear, if he wore any. A blush coloured her cheeks.

Jayne dealt the hand, and Kaylee looked at her cards. Meeting the challenge of his gaze she traded two of her cards and watched him exchange some of his hand too.

The challenge to lay down their cards came and they both stared at each others hand, working out who had won.

“Guess it’s time to pay up,” said Jayne with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

“Pay up, or run away like a cowardly critter,” challenged Kaylee.

“Hey, who d’ya think won?” Jayne growled.

“Me,” Kaylee answered, crossing her arms across her chest.

“How d’ya work that one out?”

“When does three Limes ever beat a pair of Plums?”

“Awwww, hell!” Jayne cursed, standing up to loosen his belt.

“Ya sure ya wanna do that here?” Kaylee asked, swinging her hips as she sauntered over to where Jayne was standing. She ran her fingers down his bare chest, admiring the view in front of her, and resting her hands on his belt.

Jayne frowned, “Umm, no?”

“Why don’t we finish this game off somewhere a little more private?”

He slid his arms round her waist, drawing her close. “Ya mean?”

“Uh huh,” she nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his.

“Kaylee girl,” he groaned in her ear.

She gently kissed his lips and pulled back before he could respond. She picked up the cards and walked slowly to the door of the galley.

Looking back over her shoulder, Kaylee teased him with her smile.

“Follow me, cowboy. Let’s see if we can’t play a game we both win, hands down!”


Kaylee woke up wrapped in her lovers arms. She sighed in pleasure as she snuggled against his chest.

Suddenly she sat boltupright.

Shaking Jayne awake, she told him, “I’ve worked out what’s wrong! The reg coupling just needs a little adjusting, and if I take apart the old compression coil and the booster that broke lat year, I think I can cobble together the parts to mend it.”

“Kaylee, what the di yu are ya talkin’ about?”

“Serenity, Jayne. I’ve just worked out how ta fix Serenity.”

“Ai ya Kaylee girl, what are ya waitin’ for. Let’s go fix ya girl.”

Kaylee just stared at him for a second, then grabbed his face in her hands, pressed the sweetest kiss to his lips, and leapt out of bed.

When the rest of the crew woke they found Serenity humming; and Jayne and Kaylee in the engine room, laughing and joking, and running like a finely tuned engine themselves.


kaylee, flirting, strip tall card, jaylee, jayne

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